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Just the moment i got home, everybody was shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSI"

Me: Aww thanks alot everyone

My mom put down the cake and we started eating it was kinda cute actually but i didnt care that much as celebrating

my birthday doesn't mean anything without making my dreams come true.. it was pretty night then i went upstairs

to see what im gonna do, so 25$ per hour, if i went at 8 o'clock and i left at 4 perhaps thats 8 hours which means 200

dollars per day!! Thats alot!!
And 200×14=2800 wow!! I'll have 28 hundred dollars and i have already 600$

wow that means I'll have 3400!! Wow that alot!!! Yaay..

I was too happy, i put down my diary and i decided to search online the tickets after i finish my work tomorrow,

i felt good for that, took a shower, set my alarm and i slept.

Next Morning

I waked up at 7am, washed my face and got ready for the first day on work, i had my breakfast and i went to

Mr. Michael's store, he was opening it..

Me: Hey, Good morning Mr. Michael

Mr. Michael: Good morning Jessica, Glad you came on time, thats a good start.

Me: I hope so

Mr. Michael: Come in and wear this, you'll have to water the roses every 4 hours and wait for any customers.

Me: Okay then Mr. Michael. I watered the roses then i sat, it was quite at first, a guy who wants 2 roses, an old lady

who wants some kind of flowers then when it came 12, the store was full of people until it became 3 then we had an

order 300 white roses for a wedding and i gotta drive them to the right address with other small orders.

After 8 hours of hard work, i was exhausted and i had 250 dollars.

I went home and i took a shower so i can sleep, i never thought selling flowers could be this tiring but i was glad as i got

50$ as tips which mean i have 850 dollars right now, i sat on my bed and i opened my laptop, i searched for the tickets

oh my god!! Thats too much if i wanna travel to all the countries i want i gotta have like 6000$ only for the

tickets oh god!! And even if i got the 6000 dollars and i know im not gonna get ever I'll have to work in the countries

im travelling to, well i gotta no problem working there but its just the tickets, oh god what am i gonna do, i cant

give up my dreams now :( the knocking on my door interrupted my thoughts..

Daddy: Can i get in!?

Me: Yes daddy, come in.

Daddy: So princess how was your frist day on work!?

Me: It was good, tiring but good.

Daddy: Glad for that so i told your mommy about your plans.

Me: Really!?! What did she say!?!

Daddy: Well we gotta a little surprise for you.. here's your birthday present sorry it's late..

I took the little box and i opened it!!!! Omg!!!!! I cant believe myself 4 Tickets one to Paris, France..

Rome, Italy.. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and to GREECE!! Omg daddy!! I cant believe that!! I think im gonna faint!!!

Daddy: Im so glad you're happy sweetie, me and your mom, we just wanted to show you our support..
I told

you before we support you in everything princess and happy 18!!

Me: Omg, i can explain how much i love you!! Thanks alot!!!

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