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So now i have the tickets and I've 850 dollars, i gotta decide what im gonna do, i really gotta be grateful and thankful

I was about to give all my dreams up but now i have everything, i got the tickets and i got my parents' permission and

everything is just great, i gotta continue my work to get the 3200 dollars but according to the tickets my flight

to paris is gonna be on 25/6 which means after 15 days, i made a timetable to the days that left and put it on my

calendar so all i gotta do now is to continue working and after i finsh, I'll have to get myself ready to travel and start

my journey, then i slept.

The following morning i went to the store and i started working as usual, i got used to that work and i knew more about

flowers and roses, i even got a favourite one, it's called "Daisy" i loved its name alot and how it looks, it was

just too simple in a pretty way, i felt it like it was describing me.

I bought an English-French dictionary and I spent my free time learing couple french words like "Comment ça va!?",

"Ça va bien", "Je m'appelle Jessi" and just the important words.

Nothing so special happened in those 2 weeks more than meeting Emma..

Well Emma is my best friend or was my best friend, we used to do everything together, we were more like

twinnies but one night we had a huge fight, it was about a silly thing, i even can't remember what it was, everything

was good after it but we just didn't come back like before, we became more like strangers and now if we met we

barely say Hi.

Well that's what happened..

Me: Hello, how can i help you!?

Emma: Hi Jessi..

Me: Oh, Hi Emma..

Emma: Mm so you work here now..

Me: Yea, how can I help you!?

Emma: I just need some beautiful roses for my boyfriend, its his birthday..

Me: Okay, those ones will be nice.

Emma: Okay then, thanks alot, bye.

Me: Bye.

And just like that nothing more happened, well im kinda sad because of how we become but in the same time

Im kinda glad as im gonna travel in 3 days and if we were friends I'll be sad there as she won't be with me and other

drama, maybe that's the best for us so i can enjoy the journey and find myself without being distracted.

I went home on 22/6 night, it was my last day on work, i was too happy and proud of myself as in this moment i had

3500 dollars and all this money was mine and i worked hard to get it, i looked at my timetable and it was only

2 days until i leave, i was too excited and i couldn't believe it myself..

Now i have the money, the tickets and my parents' permission! All i need right now to be ready and to back my bags.

I decided as im gonna travel alot, i need a small bag, so i decided tomorrow I'll buy a jeans, a shirt, a blouse,

a dress and a small skirt plus im gonna get my hair done and my nails and I'll be ready and the last day before

i travel I'll put my passport, tickets and the money..

I took a shower, put my fav music on then i slept..

Next Morning

I got up early, had my breakfast and went shopping, i found many amazing things and i bought many things but i made

sure that everything was small so i can carry them easily, when i finished, i went to the hairdresser to get my

hair done and my nails too.

When i finished everything i was just amazed!! I looked awesome, i felt like im a new person and im ready to start my own journey.

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