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Yawning, Julie placed her hands in the pockets of her lab coat as she walked down the hall. She was on her way to collect scans and results, however, she was making no effort to rush. She'd get there and they'd tell her they were backed up and to go back later.

It happened every time.

Walking through the lobby, she slowed down upon seeing a certain someone sprawled over several seats.

"Yes, just like that... No, you first..." he ended up giggling in his sleep, and she tilted her head as she watched him out of confusion.

"What's going on?" A voice asked, and Jules looked to the side to see Melissa. The pair of them were staring at the sixteen year old boy not knowing what to make of it.

"Oh, me first?" Stiles asked, continuing to giggle and snort, his hand falling off of the chair as he did so.

"I think he's having... a sex dream?" Julie offered, although she didn't want to believe it. Melissa sighed as she grimaced at the thought, that meant her son would be having sex dreams.

Neither of the two women heard the door opening, as Mr. Martin stepped out from his daughters room. He caught the nurse and doctor both staring at the boy and took a glimpse himself.

"He's been here all night?" He asked.

"All weekend," Julie sighed, crossing her arms as she did so.

"You're dirty..." Stiles said.

"Oh, ew, not on my watch," Julie scoffed, having the confirmation she didn't want. She walked over to him, shaking him awake, "oi, evil spawn. Get up." When he didn't arise, she thought for a moment before she began to smirk, "oh my god, she's just said she really wants to kiss you as a thank you!" She urged.

He immediately bolted up, looking around confused, "really?" He asked, looking up at his sister who's smile only twisted into a smirk.


"You're evil!"

"Here, go get yourself something to eat," she said, taking a couple of dollars out of her pocket and handing them over to him.


"Paging Dr. Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please..." a voice over the PA system called, knocking on a door Julie waited a second before entering.

"Hi there, James, I heard you had some questions about your surgery tomorrow morning?" She asked, as she held the chart closer to her. "Did you read through the information you were given?"

"Yes, I wanted you to clarify a few things if that's alright, I know I left it a bit late...I was hoping to figure it out myself. I didn't want to trouble you, you're all so busy."

"Don't you worry about it," she assured, "offering explanations and information is apart of the job. Besides, if I read through one of those information sheets I wouldn't even be able to tell you what surgery you were getting if it didn't tell you. They're complicated enough for us, never mind the patient." It was something she'd learnt to say to encourage the idea of no stupid questions.

"Well, I was just wondering. You've said all of these things like risk of death, this that and the other... you never explained how high these risks are."

"Oh, well-" she was cut off by an incredibly loud scream which drew their attention outside. They watched through the window as the nurses ran towards one of the rooms. Julie's smile dropped, that sounded an awful lot like Lydia, and it was coming from the right direction.

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