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"God, he's such a prick," Julie scoffed, as she was stood by the coffee bar at the garage. Stiles was with her, although he was compulsively checking his phone as he always did ever since they'd been introduced to the supernatural. "Like come on, what respectable adult goes after kids? Yeah they're really annoying but you don't beat them to a pulp," she spat.

"So you don't like him?"

"I hate his guts."

Stiles rolled his eyes at the words, "well it took you long enough," he scoffed, before he caught sight of what the mechanic, Tucker, was doing. He quickly rushed out to speak to him and Julie followed afterwards, "hey! Hey? Wh-what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter!"

"Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has gotta be replaced here."

Both Julie and Stiles crossed their arms looking at each other confused. Everything else seemed intact and working, "why do I get the feeling you're slightly overestimating the damage?"

"It's probably gonna run you around like twelve-hundred in parts and labour," Tucker said, and both their faces dropped at the price.

"Are you kidding? This thing doesn't have a catalytic converter! And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is."

"Do you know what a "limited slip differential" is?"

Julie looked over to Stiles, hopeful that he did.


Closing her eyes, she sighed, "yeah, it's coming on more like fifteen-hundred."

"Okay, just finish," Julie cut in as she grabbed onto her brother's shoulders to pull him to the side, "before you rack my bill up anymore."

"I'll be back here, seething with impotent rage!" Stiles shouted out, as they went back into the coffee area. Spotting cockroaches, both of them pulled faces of disgust, "oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running, here!"

"Stiles, shut up before it costs me two-thousand."

"Ew, what the..." Stiles said as he pulled up his hands and Julie looked over at him confused.

"What is it?" She asked, "Stiles that'll just be grease to stop it from squeaking," she mused.

"Oh really?" He asked, and she hummed as she moved to take a seat. Without thought, Stiles jumped over to her and wiped his hand all over her arm. Her face immediately pulled into that of disgust.

"Eugh, Stiles?!" She snapped, as she looked down at her arm, "you just infected me."

"You said it was just grease," Stiles pointed out.

"I'm infected! Diseased! What have you done, you evil thing," she hissed, as she looked at him annoyed. Her hand began to tingle and she glanced down at it confused, "oh my god, I'm having an allergic reaction. I didn't think I had any allergies... oh my god, I'm gonna die, I'm going to -"

"What are you talking about?" Stiles cut in, his voice filled with sarcasm as he looked at his sister as if she were stupid. She could feel the sensation travelling through her body, but Stiles was soon proven wrong as both of them fell down to the floor paralysed.

"I can't feel my body," she muttered. His head fell down next to the door and Juliette tried to look up to spot him, "what's happening? Why... what is it?"

"Oh my god it has a tail!"

"What?" She asked, "what has a tail, what's happening?"

Hearing screaming from the room beside them, she tried all she could to see what was happening but she couldn't. "W-what was that..." she asked her voice a broken whisper. Panic filled her being and the stress of not being able to move her body was becoming unbearable. "S-Stiles?"

Meltdown [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now