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Trudging into the Sheriff's station, Julie fell against the desk, looking at the woman, Louise, tiredly. "Is my dad here?" She asked, she was hoping she could hitch a ride the rest of the way home. The Sheriff's station wasn't on the way home from the hospital, however, it was in fact a shorter walk, and so she had chosen to walk there and get a lift home.

"He's just filing some paperwork, he'll be getting off shortly," she explained, and Julie began to smile.

"Sounds wonderful."

"Tough day at work?" The Louise mused, as she glanced over the girl she'd watched grow.

"Unbelievably so, all that talking... it's exhausting," she droned. "I can't wait for next year when I'm going to actually be helping out with surgeries instead of just watching the occasional one. You know, in ten whole months I've been inside an OR three times. Three. I just want to get to it. Jump in, you know. Actually be able to perform the surgeries we've been taught. I've practised on cadaver's for years... and like...I just want to cut open a real person and then mess around, you know?"

Louise looked at her confused, "not really, no."

Pursing her lips, Julie thought over it for a moment before humming, "I suppose we have conflicting lines of works in terms of interests," she admitted and Louise hummed in agreement.

"Oh look at this hot one," she added on, and Julie turned around to see who was entering. Her face immediately fell into that of confusion and disbelief. This was the opposite of lying low.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me," she scoffed before she glanced down at herself shock and horror forming , "oh my god, I look a mess," Julie muttered, turning away from the both so that her face couldn't be seen.

Grabbing onto one of the leaflets on the counter, Julie unravelled it and held it up between herself and the person entering. Had she known, she would have put some make-up on and brushed through her hair. She'd be wearing an outfit that flattered her instead of the tank top, black jogging bottoms, ugg boots and coat.

"Good evening, how can I help..." Derek began smiling flatteringly causing Louise to falter, "you?"

Pulling a face of disgust, Julie looked at Louise annoyed, "Hi," Derek said, still with his kind and charming smile.


"Um, I had a question..." he said, before laughing slightly, scratching the back of his head as he did so. Julie peered over the side of the leaflet her eyes narrowed, "um, sorry, I'm a little-a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"Like me?"

"Oh, I was gonna say "so incredibly beautiful," but, yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing..."

Spotting movement in the corner of her eye, Julie looked to the side to see Stiles scampering across the floor. Pulling her face, she looked at him confused as both Derek and Louise continued to flirt with each other.

Choosing to ignore it, she turned back to listen into both Louise's and Derek's conversation, "you know, why don't I just go find that out for you now," Louise said before leaving her desk. Julie took the chance to scoff.

"That's disgraceful," she said, and Derek looked at her confused before grabbing onto the leaflet and removing it.

"Why are you hiding behind paper?"

"Why you being such a manwhore?" She countered, "what part of laying low-"

"Isaac's in prison and it's a full moon," he said, and she looked at him confused.

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