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"I think I broke up with my boyfriend."

Joe stared at the woman in front of him. He didn't understand what could have happened in the very short time frame that they had since they thought Derek was dead, for them to break up.


"I don't know; I was upset and then I was stressed and he just..."

"He what?"

"He didn't get it. He didn't get me."


"I didn't mean to do it, it just slipped out, but how can we even have a relationship anyway? The more I think about it - he took off! He took off like there was no one left behind: his sister, his uncle although that ones fair enough, me."

"Jules," Joe repeated.


"Are you okay?"

She thought on it, she didn't know how to answer that. "He said I was the first to make him smile but..." she trailed off as tears dropped down her cheeks, "I haven't smiled since."


Pressing a tissue to her eyes to ensure there was no mascara streaks down her face, Julie walked down the hallway trying to find her next patient. She wasn't moving as fast as she probably should have been doing, she knew that. But she didn't care.

She wanted her mother, and she wanted to sit there and be comforted and have her hair braided and she couldn't have that.

"What did you see the night at the bank, when Scott was trying to save Deaton?" A familiar voice asked, and she poked her head round the corner of the corridor to see Stiles and her dad.


"What's going on?" Julie asked, as she walked over to the pair.

"Oh, Jules, thank god. Tell dad."

"What? Oh I broke up with Derek," she said, looking to her father, "by accident," she added on already feeling the tears again, "and it's hard because he just looked confused instead of upset and then he told me he'd give me my space but I don't want space I want my boyfriend but I don't even have a boy-"

"That's not what I was on about," Stiles cut in, "I was telling dad about Derek and Scott and the Argents..." he said, hoping she would catch his drift.

"Why didn't you just say the supernatural?"

"You believe him?" Noah asked, as he looked to his adult daughter hoping she would have a better answer.

"I've lived it."

"Dad, you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the mountain ash..." Stiles cut in.

"I don't know what I saw-"

"You saw something that you can't explain!" Stiles countered.

"They can heal themselves, it's really fascinating to watch," Jules agreed, through her own sniffels.

"Stiles, Jules, I have seen a lot of things I can't explain in this town. That doesn't make 'em supernatural, and it doesn't make 'em real. They just found another body. That's real-- and that's the lead I'm following."

"Yeah, and another teacher's going to die if you don't start listening to me-"

"I am listening! I have been listening!"

"You just don't believe," Stiles realised, and Noah sighed before turning to walk away, "mom would've believed me."

All of the Stilinski's shared the same pain as the words were said, "Stiles, come on," Jules urged, trying to pull him away. She didn't mention that she knew for sure that their mother would not have believed them. "What are you doing here?"

Meltdown [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now