Chapter 66

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Tyra's pov:
i woke up the next morning to see Trent holding Tallulah as she had woken up,

i smiled at the site as Trent looked up and saw me awake,
"morning beautiful, i think Tallulah might be hungry" he said as i opened my arms and he passed her to me,

"hey baby" i said to her before kissing her cheek,
"she's got your nose" i said to Trent with a grin making him giggle as she fed,

once she had stopped feeding, the doctor came in and told us we could go home,

so we packed up our things and got ready to leave,
"wait we don't have a car seat do we?" i asked,
"yeah we do i put one in there yesterday morning just in case" he replied as i nodded and we left for the car,

we strapped Tallulah in and drove home,

once we got home i took her to her room and laid her down in her cot as she had fallen asleep in the car,

i put the blanket Dianne knitted over her and left the room slowly closing the door behind me,

i went to the living room as Trent had gone in there,

as soon as i walked in he stood there with open arms for a hug which i happily accepted,
he kissed my head as we hugged,
"i love you so much" he said,
"i love you too" i replied as the doorbell rang making Tallulah cry as it woke her,

"i'll get the door, you get Tallulah" Trent said as i nodded and went to her room,

once i got in there i picked her up and started to calm her down,

i held her in my arms as i left her room,
i walked to the living room to see Curtis and Saff,
as soon as i walked in Saff gasped and came over,
i gave Tallulah to Saff so she could have some cuddles,

"guys meet Tallulah" i said causing them to smile at the name,
"i love that name" she said as she held her,
"she's so beautiful" she added making us smile,
"Curt have a hold" she said before passing her to Curtis,
"hey Tallulah, i'm gonna be your favourite uncle" he said to her making us laugh as Tallulah smiled slightly,
"ha see she just smiled" he said making us laugh again as she started crying,
"ah now she's humbled me. definitely her mothers daughter" Curtis said laughing,
"do you wanna go to your father?" Curtis said in a posh voice,
"here take your daughter" he said before giving her to Trent who instantly kissed her cheek,
as soon as she laid her in his arms she fell asleep,

"she's gonna be the most protected girl ever" Saff said,
"too right. no one will wanna have big virg after them" Curtis said making us laugh,

"Jude's face-timing me?" i said before picking up,

"What's up Judith" i asked as i answered,
"Tyla- at least you answer your phone. your stupid boyfriend doesn't" he said making me laugh,
"oi" Trent said in the background,
"oh is he there? show me" Jude said before i flipped the camera,
"hey Tre- OH MY DAYZ?" he yelled making us all laugh,
"YOU'VE HAD THE BABY?????" he asked,
"no i stole her from the hospital. YES I HAD THE BABY" i replied,
"what's her name" he asked,
"Judith" i replied,
"Really??!" he asked,
"no" i replied making him roll his eyes as i laughed,
"it's Tallulah" i said as he nodded,
"Judith was better" he replied,
"as if" i said making him laugh,
"i'm gonna be her favourite uncle" he said making Curtis laugh,
"Curtis has already claimed that title sorry" i replied,
"Curtis? who's that" Jude asked making us laugh,
"very funny Jude" Curtis replied making him laugh,
"i'm only playin Curt, okay then i'll be her second favourite" he said as i shook my head,
"nope that's Alex's spot by default because you know, he's actually her uncle" i replied as he shook his head,
"third favourite then" he said,
"to be honest mate your gonna have to fight the Liverpool Squad because they're all gonna want a spot" Trent replied making me giggle,
"that's okay i'll do that for my favourite niece" he said,
"okay sure you will" i replied,
"alright well i'll let you guys get on, and congratulations guys i'll come and see you guys one time" he said,
"famous last words" i replied making him playfully roll his eyes,
"but thank you, see you later" i said,
"see ya" he replied before i hung up,

"so when are the other boys gonna meet her?" Curtis asked,
"we said we'd leave it a week till we took her to the training centre so probably in a week" i replied as he nodded,
"fair enough" he said

"Cody will probably meet her before the others because Maddie said she's coming to see her tomorrow so" i said as they nodded,

"she's hungry" Trent said catching my attention,
"how do you know when she's hungry?" Saff asked,
"when she's with me or in her cot she cries and when she's with Trent she just tries to get to his non-existent boob, she just never cries when she's with Trent, never." i replied as Trent passed me her,
"i will be back" i said before leaving the room so i could feed her,

Trent's pov:
"you guys both seem like your coping well" Saff said as i nodded,
"yeah we are, i mean she's not a difficult baby at all, we're quite lucky. we'll just have to wait and see what she's like at night" i replied as they nodded,

after 5 minutes of us talking amongst ourselves Tyra came back in with Tallulah who was crying,

"here" she said as she passed her to do me,
i kissed her cheek and laid her on my chest as i was laying on the sofa,
she then stopped crying and drifted off to sleep,
"she's a daddy's girl" Tyra said,
"yeah she's knows the cooler parent" i replied as Tyra shook her head,

Tyra's pov:

"alright we'll get going, thanks for having us" Saff said before she and Curtis got up, i then stood up as Trent stayed laying down so he wouldn't disturb Tallulah,

"thanks for stopping by" i said as i hugged them both,
"see you later Trent, bye bye Tallulah" Curtis said as Saff also said goodbye,
"see ya guys" Trent said before they walked out the lounge and to the front door,
"i'll see you guys later" i said as i opened the door,
"see you, i'll stop by again in a few days for more cuddles" Saff said making me giggle and nod as they walked out the door,
"bye!" i said before closing the door and walking back to the lounge,

i sat on the sofa and looked at Trent and Tallulah,

"not fair. i want hugs with you" i said making him giggle,
"come over here then" he replied as i shuffled over,
he opened an arm as i laid my head on his shoulder,
it wasn't long until we both fell asleep,

then we were woken up by Tallulah,
when we woke up it was 12am so i took Tallulah, fed her, rubbed her back till she burped then took her to her cot,

i then went to bed where Trent was already laying,
he opened his arms for me to lay in before we both fell asleep.

i woke up at about 3am to the sound to crying,
i looked over and saw Trent was still asleep so i got up and went to Tallulahs room,

once i got there i picked her up and started rocking her calming her down,
i didn't want to wake Trent up as he had training,

after half an hour she finally fell asleep so i placed her in her cot and went back to bed,

i was then woken up again at 5,
i went to Tallulahs room, fed her and then rocked her to try to get her to fall back asleep,

i sat on the floor with my back against the wall as i rocked her,

"hey pass her here, you go back to bed" Trent said as he walked in,
"Trent go back to bed you have training soon" i replied as he shook his head,
"Ty our baby was born yesterday i'm not going to training for a few weeks" he said before he came over and knelt down in front of me,
"pass her here" he said before i gave her to him,
"go to bed, your knackered" he said as i nodded and got up before walking back to bed,

Trent was out of bed for another 10 minutes before he climbed back in, i cuddled into him as he kissed my head.

how is my story #1 rn?💀 so crazy-
(i still dk how rankings work)

A/Nhow is my story #1 rn?💀 so crazy- (i still dk how rankings work)

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