Chapter 80

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Tyra's pov:

after a long day in my office preparing content it was finally home time,

i grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs to get Trent,
Tallulah is at Trent's family's house as we both had a lot to do today,

i walked down to the canteen and when i walked i gasped,

"Arnold!" i yelled catching everyone's attention,
"you never told me you cut your hair off- Tallulahs gonna hate you" i said making everyone laugh,
"Ty i told you yesterday i was getting it cut today" he said as i went and sat on his lap,

"yeah but i didn't think i'd come down to see your dreads gone- i thought you'd go later or something" i replied as i started putting my fingers through his hair,
"reminds me of young Arnold" i said,
"uh oh you aren't gonna start arguing now are you" Robbo said making me and Trent laugh,
"course not" i replied before kissing Trent's head,

"mum asked if we want to stay for dinner by the way" he said,
"of course" i replied as he nodded and started texting his mum,

once he was ready we said our goodbyes before heading out to the car,

as he was driving i was running my hands through his hair,

"i love your new hair" i said making him smile,
"Tallulah will probably think i'm a whole different person" he replied making me laugh,
"maybe i'll finally be the favourite" i said making him giggle,
"in your dreams" he replied as he placed his hand on my thigh gently smoothing it,

"hey where's the place you've always wanted to get married?" i asked,
"i'll get married anywhere as long as it's to you" he replied making me blush,
"stop being so cute" i said as i placed my hand on his,
"where do you want to get married?" he asked,
"i go from one extreme to the other. i want to get married either on a beach in Italy or on a snowy mountain in Switzerland" i replied,
"well we'll get married wherever you want to. I'm just happy it's you i'm marrying" he said as we pulled into his family homes drive,

once we got out i ran round to him wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms round my waist,
"i love you" i said before kissing him,
"i love you" he replied with a smile,
"come on let's go see madam" i said before walking towards the door and ringing the doorbell,

"hello lovely" Dianne said before hugging me,
"hiya you alright?" i asked,
"i'm good you?" she replied,
"i'm not bad thanks" i said as she hugged Trent,

"i've got my short haired boy back" she said to him making him laugh,
"yeah the dreads are gone...for now" he replied with a laugh,

we walked into the living room to see Marcel playing with Tallulah making us smile,
"look Tallulah it's Mummy" Marcel said as i bent down,
Tallulah ran over into my arms making me giggle,
"hey baby" i said before kissing her cheek,

"ayyy love the trim bro" Marcel said,
"thanks man" Trent replied,

"hey look its Daddy" i said to her as she looked at him before crying and cuddling into me,

"Yes i'm finally the favourite" i said making everyone laugh,
"hey Tutu" Trent said catching her attention,
"it's me Dada" he said as she looked at him before holding her arms out to him,

he held her as she cuddled into him,
"being the favourite was cool while it lasted" i said making him laugh,
"i don't really know why Trent's her favourite" Marcel said making me laugh,
"oi what's that meant to mean" Trent replied,
"Tyra's just cooler then you. it's a known fact" Marcel said,
"real" i replied making Marcel laugh as Trent shook his head,

"has she napped today?" Trent asked quietly,
"yeah but only once" Marcel replied as Trent nodded,
"makes sense to why she's napping right now then" Trent said with a giggle as i looked at them in awe,
"she just wouldn't nap. the only reason she did nap once is because mum gave her your blanket from your old room" Marcel replied,
"she just really loves Trent" i said as Marcel nodded and Trent kissed her head,

"where's dad and Tyler?" Trent asked quietly,
"they went to the store, should be back any moment" Dianne said as she walked in,
"oh she's finally napping again" she said,
"she nodded straight off once Trent held her" Marcel replied making Dianne smile before Tyler and Michael walked through the door,

we greeted them before all sitting in the lounge,

"Dianne do you need any help with dinner?" i asked,
"oh no sweet i've got it all covered" she replied as i nodded with a smile,

"Trent you might wanna go put Tallulah in her cot it's nearly dinner" Dianne said,
"i'll put her up there in a minute" he replied as he held her close to him,

after 5 minutes he took Tallulah upstairs and we began eating,

half way through dinner we heard Tallulah crying,

"i'll go, she probably wants feeding" i said as they nodded and i headed up to her room,

Trent's pov:
"so you two spoken anymore about the wedding?" my mum asked as Tyra went up the stairs,
"not really but we will do soon i expect" i replied as she nodded,

after 10 minutes Tyra came back downstairs with Tallulah in her arms,

Tyra's pov:
"She's refusing to sleep again so she can chill in her highchair for now" i said making them giggle,
"stubborn just like her parents" Michael said making us laugh,
"hey nah Ty is way more stubborn then me" Trent replied,
"i think your both stubborn. Hence it took like 4 years for you guys to make up" Tyler said making us laugh,
"we're both stubborn but i'm definitely more stubborn. He'll fold before me" i replied,
"see." Trent said making them laugh.

after dinner we watched a film all together before me and Trent headed home,

once we got home Trent laid on the sofa with Tallulah on his chest asleep,

"she loves sleeping on you" i said as he giggled,
"she just loves me what can i say" he replied making me smile,
"you love her even more i think. never seen you like it" i said as he smiled,
"i knew i'd love her to pieces but i didn't think it would be like this" he replied as i played with his hair,

"right let's get this one to bed" he said before getting up and walking to her room,

"can we watch little britain tonight?" i asked as he walked back into the living room,
"absolutely" he replied before laying his head on my lap,

"mum was asking about the wedding today" Trent said,
"yeah we need to start sorting that" i replied as he nodded,
"i reckon we get married on a beach in Italy and then for our honeymoon go to the snowy mountains" he said as i nodded with a smile,
"that sounds perfect" i replied,
"have you chosen your bridesmaids yet?" he asked,
"i know i'm definitely having Tutu, Saff, Maddie, Perrie and Axel as a pageboy" i replied as he nodded,
"who's gonna be your best man?" i asked,
"i would chose a brother but they'll fight over it so it'll be one of the boys from the team" he replied,
"Robbo?" i asked making him smile,
"Jude?" i asked,
"i don't know yet" he replied making me giggle,
"i think i'm gonna ask Alex to walk me down the isle" i said making him look up at me,
"he'll love that" he replied making me smile,

we watched the first series of Little Britain before going to bed ourselves.

guys i've finally updated the Curtis story💪😭so go give that a read🫶

also does anyone watch Sam and Colby? because they're first conjuring video was absolutely mental and i need other peoples opinions😭

i 100% believe Cody and Satori's method.

and if you don't watch sam and colby go and watch the conjuring series (only episode 1 is out atm) because it will actually make you fully believe in ghosts. real.

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