~ Target ~ 1

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    In the endless sea of blackness a faint dim glow of light barely flickers in the distance. To a wary eye it could be seen as a guide post for one's wayward soul.
Yet these are not the flames of hope lighting one's path in hard times. No.    These are not that kind of light, for that kind of brightness will never flicker in this type of darkness.
     Such fairy tales no longer exist in this dying world. The skies always hidden, neither day nor night. No sun nor moon. Such things are no longer within sight nor will ever return.
     The war stricken landscapes are forever dead, no amount of magic can heal the damages. Fear and greed has ravaged the souls of humans, driving their need to be the sole race allowed to live.
     What glows on the land below are only fires that are fueled by the corpses of innocents. Mercilessly slaughter for merely being different, for living differently. Four of the eight races have already completely perished.
     The Elves were one with nature, caring and tending the land. They grew forests and brought fourth glistening streams. They governed over the lands, sowing seeds of life. When the last elf died, the rivers ran dry and soon the forests all began to wither.
     The mountains and volcanos were the Dwarves domains. They worked hard to keep the angry volcanic mountains calm. At times they would build up mountains to help give shelter valleys below. Keeping landslides and harsh weather at bay. The Dwarves now gone, the once strong and beautiful mountains fell. The volcanos erupting with unrelenting rage, spewing restless ash into the skies.
     The Seafolk were the first to fall, the oceans so polluted by humans that nothing could be done. Only the God race could've have saved them but that race of creatures left this world before the humans exploded beyond control.
     Demons, Vampires and Werewolves are the last remaining creatures left to fight during the end of days. Many giving up and take into hiding, trying to live any life they can create. The rest of us fight endlessly, driven by the desire to change fate. I am fighting for a different reason. One that is mine alone.
     Shaking my head of errant thoughts, I glance back to the glow of fires and the scent in the air fills me with disgust. I can hear faint laughter rising up, the humans clearly pleased with such flames. I grit my teeth bitterly while clenching my fist tight, feeling my nails digging into my own flesh.
     I must eradicate the creatures who favor such a light. I am the arbiter that will help bring my kin into a world of brightness. It is a brightness I have no right to enjoy but I will bring it to the future generations. I will be the last of the generation that needs to be born into blood. I steel my resolve.
     I hover above the decimated village that once housed mix races. They lived in isolation, relying on themselves to scrap a living. I feel such rage bubbling in my gut, my blood starting to burn with hate.
     "*Hold Steady General..*"
     "*Hurry up Lieutenant. It shouldn't take this long to get to your troops into positions.*"
     I scowl, looking to the south at the other three encampments. They spaced those out incredibly well given the creatures we are facing. I turn looking back into the charred landscape, my target isn't too far north.
    These humans seem to be leading the way for the others to follow. They branch out like a spider's web, destroying everything they touch. Their arrogance has poisoned them, condemning this world to ruin.
     I growl against the growing urge to begin the assault. If I alert the enemy leaders too early, it could screw up my underlings.
     "Master, can we try the new technique?"
     "The one we got from the mage last mission?" I reach down and pull Fang from my hilt.
     His blade is ice blue and has a slight curve. It resembles a dragon's tooth, which makes since given his core is that of an ice dragon.
     "I think lightning will be both painful and beautiful at the same time Young Master." Fang's voice is wicked yet lofty as it drifts into my ears.
     "Can you kill all 3,000 in one go?" I raise an eye brow, eyeing his blade curiously.
     "HA! You won't even need to assist Master. I assure you the results will bring much satisfaction."
     His demeanor turning serious, his own self died at the hands of these insidious creatures. Many of his kind are now blades, resting in the hands of what's left of the non human races.
     "*General we are ready. On your signal.*"
     "*Lieutenant Desmond, make it flashy and swift.*"
     "*On the ready General.*"
     I lock sights on the enemy's camp site, coming to a halt directly above the central point. Steadying my wings, I channel the mana from the air to anchor my feet in mid air. I grip Fang tightly, pouring energy freely into him.
     The air slowly filling with electricity, statically charged particles flickering lingering close to his blade. I can feel the immense tension growing through the hilt.
     I hold Fang outward, the tip of his blade facing the ground. With the building tension about to snap, I launch him with great force. As his blade pierces the ground, a bolt of lighting crashes down upon his hilt.
     The lightening ripples out of his blade like a raging storm, everything within it's path is gone. The trials of electricity spread out like massive webbing. The screams of the dying, pale in comparison to the crackling of the electricity frying them alive.
     As the last remnants of energy dissipate, there isn't a trace of sound. What now lays before me is but burnt ground. Trails of what can only be called roots litter the whole area, stemming out from one central point.
     I look to the south immediately after pulling Fang from the ground, and reach out for my underlings. Smirking to myself, feeling their success. I place Fang back at my hip, glancing at Rozen.
     He is the Clan's Sword that has been handed down and remade for eons. A soild black katana, each generation adding a part of their essence to him. An ancient blade of times long passed with just as many names.
     "Do not dwell on pointless thoughts Lady Sukojo."
     "Must you intrude on my inner thoughts Rozen?"
     "Only when you force me too Milady."
     "*General Akira the three targets have been eradicated.*"
     "*How did the other two fair Damon? Better then last time?*"
     "*Why General, aren't you in a good mood.*" Lieutenant Desmond chuckles maniacally. "*Are we perhaps gonna have a performance review coming up?*" His tone heavy with twisted delight.
     "*I have one other task to see too first.*" I say, feeling a sliver of trepidation wash through me.
     "*Did that Uncle of your's task you with another ridiculous request?*"
       I may not see his eyes but they definitely rolled with his words.
     "*You know you can not address the Emperor that way!*" I scorn wastedly.
     "*Yes, yes Akira I know.*"
     "*And stop addressing me with such disregard!*" I trow my hands up, frustration rolling off my aura.
     "*Where is he sending you?*"
     "*Damon between us it is a bit strange.*"
     "*For you to say strange it must be something ludicrous.*"
     "*He has tasked me with using a spell of his design on the 5th Holy City.*"
     "*Has he gone mad finally? Tasking a Blade Master with such a thing. Your mass abundance of mana still is not-*"
     "*Lieutenant Desmond, it is not our place to question. We are on the brink of total annihilation and the ultimate destruction of this planet. Understand this no matter what, I will do whatever my duty requires of me. You must think and do the same as well.*"
     "*General Sukojo to be so young yet so blindly driven. Still adorable even when serious. Be swift, for I shall be waiting for the performance review.*"
     "*Till then Damon.*"
     "*Don't forget my vow Akira.*"
     "*Just who do you take your General for? Not even death will face me willingly.*" I chuckle darkly cutting off the connection.
     I grab Rozen from my right, slashing at thin air. Creating a doorway to a feather I planted in the target's region years before. I step through, coming to stand on the rocky ledge of a desolate mountain.
     The terrain spread out is nothing but a wasteland. The only life that flourishes now is kept locked deep within the Holy Cities. When the Gods and Goddess left this world, the humans were quick to take over those.
     Ignorance poisoned humans over the centuries, turning them into monstrous creatures. They believe the world is their's alone yet has destoryed it while viciously slaughtering everything in their path.
     The land is drenched with countless amount of blood. The oceans and seas so full of poison, no longer is it water. The skies are soild grey and pitch black at night. This world after thousands of years of struggle seems to have finally given up. The wind that blows carries a feeling like the planet itself is begging for death.
     I fly up to drift with the hazy smoke, staying just barely beneath it. For these are not fluffy clouds of folklore and fairytale. The flames of humanity have burnt most of this world away. This haze is nothing but death and suffering.
     It doesn't take long for the 5th Holy City to ripple up from the landscape. It sticks out incredibly so. The pure white twin towers have a faint glow even despite there being barely any light. All the ancient buildings are made of white marble, the God Race loving all things shiny and grand.
     It is a shame that this has been decided upon, but the humans must be slowed. For their population is ever growing. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe, reciting the spell the Emperor gave me.

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