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As the sun rose on a new day, casting a gentle, golden hue over the tranquil village, the villagers gathered at the edge of their peaceful haven, their faces etched with a mix of curiosity and concern. Before them lay the aftermath of a fierce and tumultuous battle—a battle that had raged through the night, testing the very limits of human endurance.

The defeated Crimson Syndicate, once a fearsome force that had struck terror into the hearts of many, now lay in disarray. Their crimson cloaks, once a symbol of power and intimidation, were now torn and tattered, mirroring the state of their once-mighty organization. The village had stood as a bulwark against their nefarious schemes, and now, in the early light of dawn, it was clear that good had prevailed over evil.

Amidst the wreckage of the Crimson Syndicate's failed assault, a wounded hero stood, his shoulders bearing the weight of exhaustion and valor. His name was whispered with reverence throughout the village - a name that would be forever etched in their collective memory. He had faced insurmountable odds, the odds that had been stacked against him by the sinister syndicate, and yet, through sheer determination and unwavering bravery, he had emerged victorious. The hero's armor was battered, his sword stained with the blood of his enemies, and his face bore the marks of countless battles, but his spirit remained unbroken.

Beside the hero, a heartbroken man knelt, his hands trembling as he cradled a locket in his palm. This locket, a simple yet precious memento, held the image of the love of his life, a woman whose smile had once lit up his world. She had been taken from him by the cruel machinations of the Crimson Syndicate, and he had embarked on a perilous journey to rescue her. The man's eyes, once filled with hope and determination, were now clouded with grief and despair. He had risked everything for love, and the cost had been devastating.

Amid the hushed murmurs of the villagers, who had now formed a circle around the scene, the wounded hero spoke, his voice a testament to his unwavering resolve. "The Crimson Syndicate's reign of terror is over," he declared, his words carrying the weight of truth and justice. "They will trouble this village no more, and the woman who was taken from us will be remembered with honor."

The heartbroken man, tears glistening in his eyes, looked up at the hero and nodded, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you," he whispered, his gratitude mingled with sorrow. "I may have lost her, but I have gained a hero."

The hero extended a hand to the grieving man, and as they clasped hands in a solemn gesture of solidarity, the villagers erupted into applause. Their hero, battered and bruised, had not only defended their home but had also touched their hearts with his bravery and selflessness.

In the midst of the celebration, an elderly villager, his face lined with wisdom, stepped forward. "Let this day be a reminder," he said, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "That even in the face of darkness, even when hope seems lost, the light of courage can shine through."

The wounded hero, the heartbroken man, and the villagers all nodded in agreement. It was a day that would forever be etched in their memories, a day when the bonds of community and the strength of the human spirit had triumphed over adversity.

As the sun continued its ascent in the sky, casting its warm embrace over the village, the wounded hero, the heartbroken man, and the villagers stood together, united by a shared experience that had tested their mettle and reminded them of the power of resilience and love. In that moment, they knew that they could face any challenge that lay ahead, for they had witnessed the dawn of a new day, a day that promised hope and renewal in the face of adversity.




Meanwhile, a year later, Arif Muizuddin, known as Captain Malaya, and Nasrullah, often called Nas or Falcon, found themselves hidden away in a remote location, far from anyone's prying eyes. With them was Wahid, a valiant soldier who had fallen during the brutal battle of the Malay-British Pahang War in the late 18th century. He had been brainwashed and turned into a deadly British Assassin, although, at that moment in 2028, his memory of Arif was slowly returning.

Arif leaned in, his voice hushed but determined. "Nas, we need to talk about our next move. I can't bring myself to sign that new Malaysian Governmental Law, the so-called Superhuman Registration Act. It's Aqil Muhtadi's doing, and I can't believe he's forcing us into this."

Nas listened attentively, his brow furrowed in concern. "I know, Arif. It's a tough situation. And what Aqil did to Khalish Iman, exposing his identity to the public, it's caused a lot of chaos."

Arif nodded in agreement, frustration evident in his voice. "Exactly. Nas, I have a feeling that Aqil isn't the only one behind this. I think he's being manipulated, and there's something more sinister at play. And, Nas, I have this nagging suspicion that Badang might be involved somehow."

Nas raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on Arif. "Badang? Why do you think it could be him?"

Arif hesitated for a moment before responding, "I've been hearing rumors, Nas, whispers in the shadows. Badang has been seen in places where he shouldn't be, doing things that don't align with his usual character. I can't shake the feeling that he's being controlled or coerced into all of this."

The trio exchanged worried glances, realizing that their world was becoming increasingly complex and dangerous. The decisions they made in the coming days would have far-reaching consequences, not just for themselves but for the entire nation. With the weight of their past and the uncertainty of the future pressing upon them, they knew they had to tread carefully.




Badang will return in Marvel & Wattpad's Avengers 3: Civil War

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