Chapter 3

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The alarm clock goes off, making a loud noise causing (YN) groans in annoyance before shutting it off. He sat up to moistened his lips a bit before getting out of bed, it was still 5am in the morning and school won't start until 8am with the extra time (YN) does some "light" exercises for 30 minutes, although, he doesn't really need to exercise since thanks to his new ability, he's a walking world destroyer. However, exercising is important to always keep your body healthy, even if you're the God Emperor of a whole race.

After the exercise and taking a nice cold shower, (YN) prepared himself a Japanese breakfast rice bowl with egg. This breakfast bowl is called tamago kake gohan, consisting of hot rice with raw egg. The trick is to place the egg on a very hot rice pile, before immediately mixing them up. The rice temperature makes the egg transform into somewhat over easy consistency. Just add soy sauce, cilantro, and onion.

After breakfast and brushing his teeth, (YN) goes to change into his school uniform which makes him remember some unpleasant memories that are best to forget forever or it will bite him in the ass in the future. After things were done, he stepped out of his apartment and walked to school, to Kuoh Academy from his apartment will only take about 15 minutes and it's a good distance to exercise his legs.

[Short timeskip]

Kuoh Academy was an elite school that was known as an All-girls school until it was recently co-ed, although there are still more girls than boys studying at the school. The Kuoh Academy has several divisions such as the primary division, high school division and college division.

The high school division of Kuoh Academy has multiple annual events such as the Ball Tournament, Sports Day, School Trip for second year students and School Festival. (YN) arrives at school, looking at the large sign that says the Academy's name before stepping through the gates.

From right to left, (YN) hears students, mostly female students, murmuring to their fellow schoolmates about (YN) since he was a "new student" and they never seen someone handsome as him, other than, the well-known Prince of Kuoh Academy. (YN) didn't care about their pointless whispers as he was focused on finding the Student Council Office (SCO).

(YN) decided to approach a short female student with short white hair. "Hello, good morning. May I take a short amount of your time, miss?" He politely asked.

The white haired girl looked at him, she nodded with little to no emotions on her face. "Ah, thank you, miss. Where can I find the Student Council Office? I'm a 'new student' here." (YN) said with a gentle smile.

"Go straight and turn left." The girl said nonchalantly.

"Thank you so much, miss. Please, have a nice day." (YN) said nicely before walking away.

The girl paid little to no mind about (YN) since she didn't find anything interesting about him except for being a new student, (YN) was walking to the Council Office while busy in his thoughts.

"(She was a Devil Nekomata hybrid, I thought their race was wiped out entirely but I guess whoever her master is, they are lucky to have her.)" (YN) thought to himself as he stopped in front of the Student Council Office.

(YN) looks down to himself to fix his uniform before knocking on the door, waiting for a short while, the door opens to reveal a girl with long black hair with glasses, the girl has light brown eyes and quite the large chest. She was a very beautiful woman. However, (YN) can definitely feel the woman was a reincarnated devil due to her low aura, indicating she was concealing it very well, not good enough to go unnoticed by (YN).

"Name and your business here." The girl asked.

"(YN) (FLN), I'm a 'new student' here." (YN) said with a smile, he extended his hand to the girl. "And you are?" He asked.
[(FLN) = Fake Last Name]

"Tsubaki Shinra, the Vice-president of the Student Council." Tsubaki said, shaking (YN)'s hand.

(YN) pretends to be shocked, very convincingly. "Oh my, I didn't know the Vice-president of the student council was very beautiful." He said, ending the handshake with a wink at Tsubaki.

She blushed a little bit, she hides it as she steps aside to let (YN) enter the office. "Please, come inside, Mr. (FLN)." Tsubaki said, gesturing inside.

(YN) nods to Tsubaki with a kind smile before stepping inside the office, the room was nicely decorated and neatly organized. Tsubaki closed the door and followed behind (YN) as she led him to the office of the Student Council President. She stopped by the door of the office of the president as she peaked inside to announce (YN)'s arrival.

"Miss President, Mr. (FLN) has arrived, may I let him enter the office?" Tsubaki asked.

The Student Council President was another beautiful woman, she has short black hair and violet colored eyes. Also, quite the large chest. The president was drinking tea while reading a recent report given to her by a student council member. She puts down the teacup and the report as she gives Tsubaki a nod.

Tsubaki nodded as she turned to (YN), gesturing to him to enter the office. He entered the office as the president stood up from her chair. "Welcome Mr. (FLN), please take a seat." She said, gesturing to the empty chair in front of the desk.

Walking to the chair. "Thank you, miss president." (YN) said, sitting down in front of the President.

"Well then, I believe I should introduce myself. I am Souna Shitori, the President of the Student Council." Souna paused to gesture to Tsubaki. "I believe you have met with the Vice-president Tsubaki Shinra." She said.

Turning to Tsubaki and back to Souna, (YN) smiled. "Yes, I have." He said.

"Miss Shinra, please fetch Mr. (FLN)'s timetable." Souna said as Tsubaki nodded and walked away. Souna turned her attention to (YN). "This may sound weird, Mr. (FLN), your name does sound similar to a former student here." She said, narrowing her eyes.

(YN) just continued to smile, kindly. "It must be a coincidence." He said, putting aside Souna's suspicious.

With a cute chuckle. "It must be." Souna said.

[A short timeskip]

Checking the timetable, (YN) looks up to see the classroom sign that says "3-B", another wave of unpleasant memories appear to which (YN) quickly shakes his head to make them disappear. The door opened to reveal the teacher.

"Oh! You must be the new student? Please, come in, come in." The teacher said, excitingly.

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