Chapter 2

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(YN) sits on top of a large mountain of countless dead corpses of different looking demons and humans, the mountain was large enough to reach the moon. It has been 39,999 thousand years after (YN) received a second chance in life by the true rulers of the universe, The Chaos Gods, he has been fighting waves after waves of enemies every single second and it wasn't easy because each wave enemies would get more stronger and stronger to the point (YN)'s few found powers become nearly useless. (YN) was forced to use tactics to defeat them all and now, he sat on top of their lifeless bodies with a massive power sword on hand crackling with a blue aura of true power.

During these thousands of years, (YN) received five titles from the Chaos Gods themselves. "Champion of Blood" from Khorne, "Cherished Grandchild" from Nurgle, "The Grand Sorcerer" from Tzeentch, "Best Friend" from Slaanesh, and finally "Warmaster" from Neoth. Fortunately, (YN) didn't lose his mind in the madness of constantly fighting an endless wave of enemies for thousands of years. Today is the final day and (YN) can come back to the real world. He stood up from where he sat and thrust his sword down as a bright white light almost instantly engulfs the whole dimension.

[Few moments later…]

(YN) woke up gasping for air as sweat dripped down on his face, his breathing was heavy and fast. (YN) placed his hand on his chest while he looked around to know where he was, a familiar room, a familiar sight to see then he realized he was inside of his apartment in the Japanese town of Kouh. (YN) did some breathing exercises before he calmed down to process what's happening currently, he looked over to the side to see the digital clock displaying "7:00 am, Sunday".

"Hehehe…" (YN) giggled softly before laughing. "I'm back on Earth… Finally!! I have been stuck in that damn dimension for 40 fucking thousand years!"

He jumps out of bed and waves his arms around in celebration without a care in the world, although his celebration is cut short when he remembers his original plan of revenge. He stood in the middle of his apartment in silence while looking down on the wooden floor, he turned to the side to see himself in the mirror and found himself looking more handsome and muscular than before. (YN) used to be fat and looked like he was the perfect punching bag, but now, he looked like he could take on the entire world and conquer it then create a massive galactic expanding empire where mankind will rule them all. Oh my, Neoth's ambitions are taking over.

Checking the date again, (YN) remembers that in five days he will "die" again and become a low-level devil for a high-class devil or known as the "Noble Devils" who are pure blooded devils. He smiled as he remembered the day his life went into misery and suffering because he was treated badly by his devil master and the other devils, (YN) snapped his fingers as a human female wearing black latex outfit appeared. The woman immediately kneeled down on one knee.

"Grandmaster, what are your orders?" The woman asked, looking up to (YN) waiting for his orders.

"Gather information about Diodora Astaroth, I want his weaknesses, fears, and everything else that I can make his life a living hell on Earth." (YN) said, calmly.

"As you wish, Grandmaster." The woman said as she stood up before black smoke engulfed her entirely, when the smoke fades away the woman was already gone.

"Now, what should I do with the Gremory and Sitri households?" (YN) asked himself before a smile formed on his face.

[Grand Mansion of Lucifer, Underworld]

Sirzechs Lucifer, one out of four current rulers of the underworld and part of the top ten strongest beings in the world, sat behind his desk doing mountain paperwork. Being the ruler of the underworld in this day and age isn't really great unlike the old days where rulers of the underworld would just live in luxury and don't have to worry about doing their duties except for ruling over the lands.

Sirzechs is from the Gremory household, the household is part of the 72 pillars, a group of devil households, the Gremory household is famous for their out of the world beauty and powerful family members. Power of Destruction is a special ability that is passed down from generations of the Gremory household. Now, as Sirzechs continued to do paperwork, he suddenly stopped for a moment due to feeling something unfamiliar as if he could feel disturbance in the force. The sudden feeling was short lived.

"What was that?" Sirzechs said to himself with a confused expression on his face.

[Grand Library of Heaven, Heaven]

Michael, the Archangel, was sitting down behind a desk while looking at paperwork like Sirzechs. Michael is the leader of the angels and he's also part of the top ten strongest beings in the world. He received the title of leader when God was killed during the Great War. His current goals are to recreate the lost members of Heaven (mainly the Seraphim), now he is currently the person who leads the angels and answers the prayers of people up in heaven. Michael, suddenly, stopped working as an uneasy feeling creeped down his spine. The feeling was short-lived before he felt normal again.

"What was that?" Michael asked himself.

[Unknown, Grigori]

Azazel, former Governor General of the Fallen Angels and Grigori, is a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He also possesses twelve jet-black feathered wings that grow out from his back. He was one of the angels of heaven who fell from grace because of his lust, which was never known that Slaanesh was involved in his fall because the primordial God was probably bored.

Azazel walked through a large hall that had designs of the medieval Europe era. His mind was thinking of something while he quietly walked before he suddenly stopped because of a sudden unknown feeling on his spine, he looked out of the window.

"The hell?" Azazel asked himself.

[Kouh Mall, Earth]

(YN) was shopping for new clothes since his older clothes no longer fit his new size, he wore a mask since COVID was still a thing but no longer had the same global scare that it used to have during the early months of 2020. As (YN) shopped for clothes, he saw someone familiar to him, a girl. Unpleasant memories of the girl came in like a flood.

"That bitch, Asuna." (YN) muttered quietly as he noticed the boy next to the girl. "And of course, it's my bully. God, I wanna smack them across their nasty ugly faces."

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