Salt n Pepper

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‏?Is this you kid

‏I'm Mr Metal's Wife

‏Please don't block my number, I'm not here to pry. I'm just relaying Mr Metal and his friends apologies, in their worry they forgot to listen to you

‏Feel free to take your time, don't feel pushed to unblock them. You're allowed your own space and if you need it, I'll be here to listen

*a minute of internal deliberation later, Peter wills himself into replying*


I'm sorry

‏Ms Metal

‏You have nothing to be sorry for, alright kid? This is their mess, not yours


Don't I?

‏Ms Metal

‏No, I promise you that

‏I read your texts, they pushed, you asked for space, they didn't back off so you did what you felt you needed to

‏Don't apologise for your emotions, you owe us nothing


Thank you

‏Ms Metal

‏No Peter, thank you

‏You may owe us nothing, but you'd be surprised how much we owe you


Excuse me?

‏Ms Metal

‏You were there for Metal when I wasn't, you've helped him in ways very few have, and you've helped the rest of the guys as well

‏That's why they were so worried, why they pushed



I'm horrible

‏Ms Metal

‏No you're not

‏You're incredible and I would bet everything that everyone from the group would agree

‏Like I said, don't apologise for your emotions


But, I blocked them, and they were only trying to help, they must hate me

‏Ms Metal

‏?Peter, what have I been telling you


To not apologise for my feelings

‏Ms Metal

‏?And do you feel ready to unblock them


Ms Metal, I can't answer that

‏Ms Metal

‏Yes you can. Don't feel guilty or bad for your emotions

‏Just tell me what you feel, if you're ready, I'm not here to judge

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now