Masks and Spiders

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"Ayy!", Pietro yelps, surprised by Natasha pulling him from the hallway into a darkened store room on their floor. Did so with such strength that Pietro's shoulder slammed on the opposite wall. He rubbed it mopey while he whined, "What was that for?".

Nat stands over a stumbled Pietro, barely steady on his feet. "Oh be quiet", she retorts. Pietro looks lost and almost insulted, holding himself back at her own unsteadiness in tone. Could've gotten a word in, he knows, that's the weird part.

Instead he sighs, swallowing his next whine for a more thoughtful question, "Nat, what's wrong?". She turns to a couple of crates by the wall, her look offering as both sat down on them before she answered. "Remember Cassie?". Pietro nods. "One of your Girlfriends?".

"Yes", she replies succinctly, softly. Pietro can see how reserved she is, sins their few days out, got him to notice what hides behind her strong facade. Nat still look hesitant, letting her mouth coming out on automatic, "I secretly invited her to the tower, if you want to meet her".

Pietro, quite literally speeds through his excitement, Natasha only getting a flash of it before being engulfed in a hug. "Thank you Nat!", He grins, Natasha only slightly startled by the swift tightness, reciprocates it. "I knew you liked these", He jokes, burrowing his face onto her jacket, thankful that he only got a light prodding onto his side.

Also earned him a question, "Why are you so invested in meeting who I go out with?", Nat asks, her intermittent distrust an inherent result of her Black Widow training. Though she was trying. Pietro's left silent, a moment loaded with thought, realisation and sadness. "Because you're my Mom, I guess?", he shrugs, "Haven't had one in a while, so I don't want to miss anything".

A warmth spreads through Nat's chest and smile, stunning her as Pietro's rambling continues. "And then you, Clint and Wanda bonded in all those months I was in a coma- I just- I missed having a family and all the joy that comes with it".

Natasha pulls him over his crate, legs laid flat on the far end, back and head over Nat's, her playing with his hair, massaging his head. "Don't worry son", she emphasises the word, Pietro's grin growing as a result, "I'll make sure you're there for everything else". He adjusts his head, snuggling it between her shoulder and neck, almost droopy. Nat loses herself in her mind, only happy thoughts echoing within, both accepting and enjoying their silence.

"So when is she coming?", Pietro asks, finally remembering the reason he was unceremoniously yanked into the closet in the first place. "She should be here for lunch", Nat checks her watch, "so in about 30 minutes. Told her I'd meet her by the cafeteria". Pietro's excitement turns deadpan frustration. "Nat", he almost scolds, "did you tell her that so you could hide her from them?".

Doesn't make her too pleased, "Perhaps", she replies.

Sighing deeper, Pietro slumps onto her. "Nat, I promised to keep this a secret, and I will, But it's not fair to the rest of them to hide Cassie like this". Pietro stands his ground, Natasha unable and unwilling to disagree with him. "Wanda loves you like a Mom, you are her Mom. And Clint and you are still best friends. And everyone else are still our friends and team mates, we should all be able to celebrate our moments of happiness".

"You're not wrong, but-".

"But we're your family Nat. We're not gonna hurt you, or her, if she matters to you, she matters to all of us", Pietro doesn't even let her finish. She still holds some reluctance, some fear. "If you're so certain about that, why haven't you told them about your crush".

He stares, a little blinded by her confrontation, Nat regretting it, somewhat. "You're right", he surrenders, "I'm also afraid, but we shouldn't be. Even if it feels or is weird. We can't deny our feelings from them or ourselves, wherever they go. So how bout we both tell them?". Natasha can really appreciate his trying, that alongside his logic braking her stance. "Alright, together", she agrees, glaring at Pietro on that second word.

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now