The Joker, and the King of Hearts

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"I hate my life".

"See, fooled again", Stark bitches at his failure to lift Mjolnïr, a frustration I'm used to, but if only that pompous Midgardian knew how close he was. It only takes him 5 minutes longer to prove himself the sour puss he's always been. "I meant what I said before Thor, if Raindeer Games is staying at my tower, he's gotta play by my rules", the mortal growled like they always did.

I roll my eyes, Brother standing by Banner as he replies. "Friend Tony", I can see him plead, but I know damn well that oaf has no ground to stand on, and surprisingly it seems so did he. "Alright, but be reasonable, please". Not surprised even he's figured it out. Don't know if Stark even heard him, regardless he didn't care. "He can't leave the tower, I don't care, I'm not having him risk New York again". I grunt, he can't go an hour without bringing that up. Thor seems tired but inevitably concedes. "He also can't be left alone. Someone's staying to babysit him at all times, and by someone I mean you two", he points at Brother and Banner.

"If you don't mind, I'm not sticking around to be infantilised", I start walking from the room, the best course of action to prevent any casualties. Though the whiners didn't seem to like it. "Where the hell are you going?", Stark shouts at me, from the corner of my eye I can see Bruce hold him back. "Don't try anything, since your last visit I made my cameras illusion proof!", He yells as I walk out of sight, needing at least half an hour to stand his incessancy.

I'm sat by the window, staring down into the streets with a pair of binoculars Banner lent me, one of the few things to do cooped up in this tower. "It's intriguing how much value these midgardians put in their short mortal lives". I look over couples, children with their parents, groups reminiscent of my brother and the warriors three.

"Wonder what thats like", I absent-mindedly speak my thoughts, the solitary emptiness of this tower a much less pleasant sound. Thor and his mortal friends are off in some meeting, 'Loki free' meeting as the Stark one insisted. I sigh, yet another reminder that no one likes me, they only tolerate me, and it takes Thor and Banner insisting even for that.

"Please Tony, he promises to not do anything you'll regret", Bruce tries to argue my case, Stark does not seem pleased, then again I've yet to see him be. "I don't trust him, He threw me out a window!". I chuckle, "Still on that Stark?". Thor turns to me exasperated, I've known him for enough centuries to recognise his 'You're not helping' look. "Regardless, what Banner speaks is true. God's honour".

I can see the many distrusting faces in the room, really only the two at my defence and the Captain and his boyfriend who seem too busy in their own conversation. "My honour as well Stark. Only for today, please"

I can see him scowl at the idea. What was that mortal utterance? If I had a nickel for every time I've been on the receiving end of such a look, I'd be wealthier than Stark thinks he is. "You try anything, I shoot you with my repulsers. You step out of line, we unleash the Hulk on you again".

"Stark!", I see Thor reply annoyed. Though I walk off for a drink as Banner continues the argument, "Tony, please don't use me as a weapon".

The cat's small sister speeds into the room, stealing every spotlight. "FRIDAY! Add one more player!"

They were less reluctant with the Spider child. Took Thor and Banner 15 minutes to wear Stark down, but the mortal in spandex who they were fighting not a month before doesn't get a passing complaint. In the past 4 weeks I don't think I've seen or spoken to any of them more than on that day alone. Not usually a complaint, but when I'm not allowed to do anything even table scraps feel like a meal.

"Stupid Avengers", I spit, placing the binoculars down on a coffee table beside me. Pacing around the room, airing my thoughts, if only for the noise. "Why am I even surprised, been a constant all my life. Even now in New Asgard there's a coin's toss chance someone hates me. Even now there's a coin's toss chance Thor's gonna eventually", I frown. Thought I might as well as my green sparkles encircle me.

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now