To Loss, To Gain, To Trying It Again

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All 5 teen interns, plus a stowaway Logan met by the reception desk of Stark Tower, all arriving just in time for SI's Fourth of July lunch party. All but Logan wearing button up shirts and either immaculate jeans or Chico pants, the exception again in their snake hoodie and long black sweatpants. MJ came in full suit, as she signed up to help Pepper with a few meetings after the event.

"Can you believe we're at an official SI staff event?", Abe geeks out, the group walking into the elevator. "Can you believe we got personally invited by Mr Stark?", Ned asks back, a "Right?!?!" from Abe the only response as both start gossiping what their favourite part of the day will be. Ray asks FRIDAY to take them to the press room turned party room for the day, Peter's uncertainty finally pushing him to ask. "How long is this lunch?"

"Should be three hours, so until 2", Ray answers, "it was in the invitations". Peter shrinks his head into his shoulders, realising he'd failed to open it, "oops". They walk out of the elevator, walking up the hallway to the red blue and white decorated double doors leading to the room. "Welcome-", Tony greets, eyes locking with Logan, an unspoken agreement- To the Party".

It was met with a few awes. "Sup", MJ nods, walking out first unimpressed, followed by a smiling and nodding Ray, "Hello Mr Stark". An agape Ned and Abe thanking Tony, and last Peter, to which Tony wraps his left arm around him. "So, what do you think", Tony asks the group, motioning to the room.

Logan rolls his eyes, "Superficial and over-embellished just like your ego", he drawls, giving back a stink eye. Ned gasps at the response, MJ chuckling. Peter's generally ambivalent, his only frustration being Loki's refusal to play nice.

Due to his Kid's presence, Tony held his tongue. "How about the rest of you, like it?".

"Yes Mr Stark", Ned and Abe synchronously reply. "It's pretty cool", Ray comments, Peter adding a "Yes, thank you Mr Stark"

Tony takes them all to a bar table, all but MJ who's currently reading a book talking with the man, Abe asking the inevitable question. "Excuse me Mr Stark", he turns from his conversation with Peter, raising a brow at the question, "Are any of the Avenger's coming?". Peter held this question too, anxiously. "Your mentors are, once Wilson and Banner get their asses down here". Abe and Ned cheer, MJ walking away to find Pepper now knowing she's there. "Barton, Lang and the Maximoffs aren't allowed since last year's Christmas Party. Rogers is probably sulking, Barnes is probably chasing after him. So only Point Break and Platypus might".

He really didn't need to specify this much, but the stunned expressions of all 4 remaining interns was too fun to let pass. Only Logan was left functional, enough reason for him to leave with a press smile and circle back. Logan also grows bored of the stupor, instead punching Peter to shake him out of it. It also works on everyone else, as they laugh at Pete's reaction. "What was that for?!".

"You seemed dead, wanted to make sure you weren't", Logan huffs, arms crossed, half heartedly scowling to hide his smirk. Peter rolls his eyes, Ray and Abe laughing, Ned trying his hardest to hold his own back. He pouts, rubbing his shoulder, giving Logan a displeased look only making the disguised god grin. "Ignoring you-", Logan chuckles at Peter's pointing- "I was thinking of going to our lab after this, anyone wanna join?".

Abe and Ray both shake their heads apologetically.

"Sorry Pete, Mom wants me home, cousins are coming over", Ned replies, sullen, "you can join us if you want?". Pete smiles, forcefully. "No, it's your time with your family, I don't want to intrude". Not the best excuse. "Pete, you are my family, my mom loves you", he hugs him, making Pete blush lightly. "Thanks Ned", he replies, "But I'm fine, still want to work on my project and May should be done for dinner". Peter lies, only Loki's expertise catching on. May's actually working till midnight.

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now