Chapter 96-100

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Chapter 96 New Members
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 95 One more fight before leavingNext chapter: Chapter 97 New Members (2)
In addition, according to the mysterious cultivator, the end of the world is coming soon, so they can make better preparations to reduce the country's losses.

Of course, Yang Qian will not understand the twists and turns of the country's leaders. Her goal can be said to be all mankind, but she will not directly save others. She will provide others with a chance. Whether they can survive depends on these Do people have the courage to survive?

It's just that she will encounter a bigger trouble now. If she doesn't solve it, she will only be killed by the Death Star people, and there will be no second way to go.

"Lele, listen to me, what, isn't that thing too strange? I'm not afraid of being taken to the institute for slices." Yang Qian was very bitter. Yesterday, she gave Jian Le a trading machine quota, and she saw that he was doing nothing all day long. She came to look for her, thinking that she was safe, but she didn't expect that Nimei, she was too excited, so she didn't react yet. Look, as soon as she reacted, no, she came directly to trouble her.

"Haha, do you think I will believe it?" Jian Le didn't believe this at all. Of course, he knew that being forced to be sliced would definitely happen, because he had seen these fruits when he was a child, so he was still young at that time. It is understandable that Yang Qian is afraid of being cut, but the problem is that so many years have passed, and little Yang Qian has grown up and there is no need to be afraid. You still lie to me like this, is that really okay?

Of course Jian Le, who expressed disbelief, would not let Yang Qian go just like this, so he was already on the way here and would call him just to tell her not to run away. Of course, if this guy really ran away, he would In fact, there is nothing we can do.

"..." Yang Qian really doesn't know what to say. You have to know that she is really worried about being sliced. Think about it, she is in a space. It can be said that she has the ability to control what people around the world eat and drink. What do you think of her? If you dare to speak out, it would be strange if you don't get sliced into pieces.

Of course, Jian Le always thought that what Yang Qian got was a trading device. Well, Yang Qian thought about it for a moment. If she just talked about the trading device, she would not dare to say it. She is the biggest businessman, even if everyone is a businessman in the future. , then you have to be a wealthy person.

"Are you coming over?" Zhong Haoyan looked at Yang Qian's troubled look and couldn't help but shake his head. Jian Le will know about Xuan Xiu sooner or later. If he knows earlier, he will be able to protect himself in the end of the world. This is also very helpful. Okay, of course, the main reason is that this is a special recruitment. If you join the army in this name, the Jian family will be able to stand up and repay the Jian family for taking care of Yang Qian for so many years.

"Brother-in-law." As soon as he heard Zhong Haoyan's voice, this person stopped immediately. He was originally thinking of making some requests to Yang Qian, but when he heard that it was this brother-in-law, all those little thoughts were gone. , I still looked like I was very honest, even when I was sitting on the train, I became an honest and well-behaved good boy, which made the old lady opposite me look at the young man several times.

"Okay, come if you want, come early, we are preparing to leave." Zhong Haoyan did not say much nonsense, directly expressed his acceptance of the other party, and explained that they were leaving soon, and if they wanted to come, they would come as soon as possible .

After taking the phone, Yang Qian had a look on her face as to what the situation was. She really didn't understand. Wasn't she going to the army? Why bring Jian Le along? He hasn't taken the college entrance examination yet, so he can still have fun for a year?

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