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i. truck-kun, a.k.a satan

"Ah, how sexy of you."


YOU NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE your house ever again after this incident.

Who would?

But first, you had to figure out how the fuck to get back to your house.

The last thing you remembered was playing Stardew Valley and passing out due to exhaustion at four in the morning. Actually, was that normal? Usually you'd be able to pull all-nighters with ease.

"Fuck this," you sighed, heaving yourself from where you were laying. We're you laying down?

Everything around you was white, including the ground.

"Hellooo...!?" You called out, wildly looking around the empty space. "...Marco!"


"AAAAaaaAaahH—holy shit!" With a jump that would make Mario jealous, you bounced away from whoever the fuck had just answered your mating call.

"...Dude, what the fuck are you?"

A tall man—or you were assuming man by the deep, bone-rattling, pussy-quaking voice he used—towered over you, a deadpanned look on his face. "...My voice is not pussy-quaking."

"You can hear my thoughts!?" You took a step back, tilting your head. "So wait, can you hear this?"

Let's think of some weird shit. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Ba

"Why is that the only word I can think of...?" You sighed, risking a glance toward the mysterious individual. "...You heard all that, didn't you?"

"I did." With a shrug, the man tugged at his dark cloak. "Allow me to introduce myself..."

"I'm what you mortals would call... Death."

"Oh," you mumbled. "...Am I in one of those sexy Webtoon comics where the main character with an office job falls in love with the attractive Grim Reaper?"

"Wha—no," Death denied, crossing his arms. "You're dead. You died."

Gently, you clicked your tongue against the back of your teeth, swinging your arm up. "Darn!"

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