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"You're gonna leave me with these flat ass tits?"


DEATH TRULY BELIEVED that you were an insane individual.

We're you brain-dead?

"You want to escape your death... by going to another reality that will most likely result in your death? Again?" Death watched as you nodded, giving you an incredulous and out-of-character stare. "...Why?"

"It'll be fun!" You chirped, tilting your head. "Plus, I get to see what the big whoop is about Junko's badonkadonks! Or Hajime's huge tatas...!"

"...Right." Death could only handle so much bullshittery. He couldn't wait for retirement. "—Is there a timeline you'd prefer to be placed in?"

That you had never thought of before. "Oh... wow." You sat down, putting your fingers up to your temple. "Give me a minute... I gotta think hard about this."

"And I'm sure that's difficult for you," Death snapped, crossing his arms. "...It's fine. We quite literally have all of eternity here. But I'd prefer you think quicker than that."

It was only about thirty seconds before you shrugged, bounced back into a standing position, and hopped over to Death. "I want to be in Class 77-B! But I want to be there for their time in the Neo World Program, not their time at Hope's Peak Academy!"

"That's... a little difficult," Death hummed, pulling up a black screen and staring at it closely. "...Usually, you'd have to be present for both but..."

A few seconds passed by before a black screen suddenly appeared in front of you, displaying a load of random numbers and information that you sincerely couldn't care to read closely. "What's with all this mumbo-jumbo...?"

"It's information about your new life of course." With focused eyes, Death pulled the black screen toward himself. "You'll keep the same name and appearance, so you won't have to worry about getting used to a new body."

"Ah darn," you sighed, looking down at your chest. "You're gonna leave me with these flat ass tits?"

Death rolled his eyes. "...Yes."

"Moving on—" Death continued, forcibly ignoring your incessant complaints about a better chest-size. "...You'll be a Future Foundation agent placed into the Virtual World. However, unlike the digitalized Chiaki, you'll have a regular body to come back to when you return from your excursion."

"And what about a talent!?" With bright eyes, you turned toward the taller Death. "Is it something cool...?"

"I'm overwhelmingly tempted to leave you with none." Before you could retaliate, Death raised a hand. "—However, I do know that you'll only yell at me about it so I suppose I'm left without a choice in the matter."

"Damn right," you retorted, crossing your arms. "Even if you're death, I'll still annoy you 'til the end of time!"

"Hm... How charming," he mumbled sarcastically.

"Anyway, I'm gifting you the title of Ultimate Reader."

"...You whore." With an offended expression, you stared at Death. "What kinda talent is that? How is that even determined to be a talent in the first place...!?"

"Silence," he hissed, casting you an annoyed glare. "I make the rules."

You blinked up at Death with a sad face. "...Can't you make an exception? :("

"Okay one, how the fuck did you just use a sad face in verbal conversation?" Death watched you carefully, shrugging in boredom after a few more seconds of gauging your reaction. "—And two... no."

"Boo, you're no fun," you sighed. "So, what are my talents as... The Ultimate Reader...?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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