Chapter 13

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I just decided why not put the playlist open for everyone.
Not proofread again 🧍🏽‍♀️

Felix looked at the still crying Hyunjin he couldn't help but feel bad for the taller boy.

"Hey hey Hyunjin what happened.... pshhh calm down tell me what happened" Felix tried to calm him down but it didn't work so he looked around until he saw a bench in a now empty park he grabbed Hyunjin's hand and pulled him over to the bench.

"Sit down and explain everything to me"
Hyunjin did as Felix told he sat down but didn't speak. Felix really wanted to help but he couldn't not with Hyunjin being like this, Felix needed to calm him down and the only thing that came to his head was hugging Hyunjin but would Hyunjin let that happen.... he could just try so he quickly pulled Hyunjin in his arms calming him down.

"Hey it's okay tell me when your a bit calmer just relax and breath"

It was quite the only thing you could hear were the breaths of the two boys it was 10 pm and quite cold Felix really wanted to go back into the house or home but Hyunjin was more importantly at the moment.

"I.... Changbin he..." Hyunjin began

"You don't need to rush tell me everything in your tempo I will listen"

"O-okay......Me and Changbin were best friends we would a-alway hang out with each other life seemed perfect I even got a girlfriend......But my life turned into a hell....My girlfriend cheated on me with Changbin..and then they planned to kill me....They tried but in the end all they could do is stab me into the back....In that year I didn't just lost my best friend and girlfriend but I also lost my mother.....I-it was a hard year for me since then I can't trust people anymore I'm scared of any kind of touch...I'm scared it happens again" Felix could feel wet drops on his shirt he couldn't believe changbin would do something like this changbin the boy who seemed so nice and kind to Felix the one who brought him the phone he just couldn't believe it.


"Please don't give me pity I hate it please lixie just...just let me hug you please..." Hyunjin begged

Felix sighed but hugged Hyunjin tighter they sat there in comfort just hugging for about 30 minutes.

"It gets cold do you still wanna sit here?" Felix asked Hyunjin


"Hyunjin we will get sick"

"I don't care, just don't go back into the house" he pulled Felix closer he didn't wanted to let him go

"I won't, but Hyunjin let's at least go to you it's just too cold"

Hyunjin looked up to Felix the smaller boy had rosy cheeks because of the cold and his skin was also pretty cold so Hyunjin decided to go to his house


Hyunjin stood up and took Felix's hand he pulled him with him.

They walked hand in hand for about 15 minutes until they came to Hyunjin's house they both went inside the mansion, as they came inside Hyunjin told the maids to make some tea for them to warm up.

"Felix......I think I have the perfect place for us to warm up follow me"

Hyunjin took Felix's hand again and pulled him through the mansion to a big beautiful library it has black shelfs that pull hig up with many books, Felix couldn't believe his eyes he loved to read and this library his like a dream come true so many books he could read you can literally see his eyes shine brighter, Felix of course ran around looking at books while Hyunjin sat down at the couch standing in a corner.

"Why did you never show me this?!"

"Cause you didn't ask and now come here"

"Why?" Felix knew exactly why but he takes every opportunity to torture Hyunjin

"Cause.....A-ah well.....i want a hug...please?"

"Hahaha okay sure just let me find a book quickly"
Felix ran to the romantic aisle he normally doesn't like romance but right now he wants to know more about it.

After Felix found a book he walked over to the couch and sat down next to hyunjin laying his head on Hyunjin's shoulder, the taller boy then laid a blanket over them and the tea also came not long ago everything seemed perfect but Felix knew that this kind and clingy Hyunjin would be gone tomorrow, Felix knew that this is just beacuse he was here and Hyunjin needed comfort and Felix knew that he needs to get this stupid crush out of his head he knew that the raven haired boy would never fall in love with him Hyunjin hated gays at least that is what he always says.

Okay so yeah that was the chapter hope you liked it and I'm sorry it's not proofread I'm slowly overworking poor even tho I planned even more

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