Chapter 33

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Y'all I'm trying

Felix went to a therapist Hyunjin helped him to pick out, The Australian went to a few sessions talked about trauma and that shit, just it didn't make Felix feel better, like he said it made him feel worse he started having nightmares, flashbacks over the day and it made him feel so unmotivated why couldn't be just go back to how it was before? Just eat it up inside him without talking all the time with all this therapy shit.

11 pm. Friday night.

Felix woke up from a nightmare again... The same dream he always had the same stupid nightmare he just couldn't do it anymore, he stood up grabbed his jacket and put his shoes on and walked outside in the cold winter night.
It was a sad night and the darkness enveloped the city like a heavy cloak. Felix stood alone on the university campus now, surrounded by the shadows of trees and the quiet buildings that had once been a place of knowledge and hope for him. But now everything felt empty and meaningless.

The nightmares that tormented him every night had pushed him to the edge of the abyss. The thoughts of his trauma were like a constant storm in his head, and despair had settled in his heart. He felt trapped in a life he could no longer bear. The loneliness and pain seemed overwhelming, and in that moment the thought of a way out - of an end to his suffering - seemed tempting. Felix looked at the stars twinkling in the sky and wondered if there was peace somewhere out there. He felt like he had lost everything that was once important to him. The idea that there was no way out of his pain made him look into the darkness that surrounded him.

Inside him, a part of him fought against the other voice that whispered to him that it would be better to end it all. He knew there were people who cared about him, but the sadness and loneliness seemed to overwhelm everything. Felix felt like a shadow of himself, lost in a sea of despair.

He wants no he needs to end it he can't handle it anymore everything, Hyunjin not talking to him, the nightmares, university stress, his sisters calling him all the time trying to get into contact again everything he's done with it all for it.

Now all he needs to do is get into the medication room of his university and he's done with it.

Chat gpt wrote most of it cause I'm lazy and I can't text but I was so stressful cause it honestly copied the whole text and the text was German so I needed to translate it and it copied the past 3 texts I wrote with chat gpt and the WHOLE FUCKING INFORMATION ON THAT SIDE. It was so stressful omg

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