Chapter 9

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thxe_stay kinda freestyled the rest of the story(still took the planned shit but I was too lazy to look at our chat)

Hyunjin looked out of the window after they were done watching the movie,
it was still pouring so he made a decision.

"Want to stay here it's still raining pretty much?"

"You want me to stay here huh?" Felix said and smirked at Hyunjin

"I can still kick you out anytime" he says while standing up but Felix was still sitting.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin said as he noticed that Felix wasn't standing up
Or wasn't moving.

"I think I am" Felix answered

"But you don't look so good are you hurt?"

Felix indeed was hurt every inch of his body hurts but he wouldn't say it out loud at least not in front of Hyunjin.

"Are you concerned about me" Felix asked in his typical teasing voice.

"What no I'm not why do you ask that?"

"Omg yes you are concerned" Felix laughed singing a little "Hyunjin cares" song in between laughter.

"Shut up! just answer my question"

"My body hurts a little but other than that I'm fine"

Then was silence but not an awkward silence it was more like a comforting silence. Hyunjin looked out of the window then he remembered the firt question again

"So will you stay here or do you wanna go home?"

"I will sleep over I don't wanna get wet while walking home"

"But you don't have clothes to wear" he looks at Felix and Felix looks at Hyunjin


"Okay but this is a one time thing! Now let's get you some clothes"

"Uhh you need to carry me I can't walk" Hyunjin groaned at that but still picks up Felix. He then  carries him to the Walk-in closet. Hyunjin picks out a shirt and a pants for him to wear he quickly got dressed and picked out a little bit smaller clothes for Felix he then also helped Felix to wear the clothes. After that was done they both got into the bedroom, Hyunjin laid Felix down on the bed and then also laid down next to the dark brow haired boy.

It was quiet but not some uncomfortable quietness it was a very comftable one. That quietness was until a phone started to ring.

'changbin? What does he want at this hour?' Felix thought and took the video call.

"Hey prince how are you are you okay?"

"Changbin don't call me like that" Felix said and  blushes. The poor boy didn't even noticed the death stare from the other side of the bed.
Well until a hand grabbed Felix's phone and ended the call.

"What the heck!" Felix asked confused but also angry

"I don't fucking like that stupid gym rat so don't fucking talk to him"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh really-"

Another phone call interrupted the two boys from starting to fight

"That fucking gym rat again?"

Felix quickly checked the caller.

"No it's Mi-he and I will fucking take that call no matter what you say, she told me she wanted to try and call me"

The brown haired boy quickly took the call he knew exactly that Mi-he hates when you let her wait.

"Heyyy bestie!!" the curly haired girl on the other side of the line almost screamed

"Hello Mi-he what do you want? I know exactly that you want to show me something"

"Oh yeah I wanted to show you my new outfits They're like soo cute like I can't believe that Hyunjin brought me them so get on video call quick!"
And not even a second later Felix was in a video call.

"Wait a damn minute where the fuck are? you cause that fucking bed is definitely too expensive for you and omg are that hickeys!?"

"Noo" Felix said in a small voice

"There are definitely hickeys on your neck and damn that's so many like 5 or 6 so where are you and why do you have so many hickeys on your neck?"

"PFFF not just on his neck' Hyunjin now said from the side and Felix gave him a "shut the fuck up look"

"Omg! was that the dude? but wait.....I know that voice, DID YOU FUCKING SLEPT WITH HYUNJIN MY CRUSH?!"


"I- wow you really slept with your best friends crush you know I had a crush in him since forever"

"I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise"

When hyunjin heard that he felt hurt but he didn't know why.

"Okay but like where the fuck did you guys do it?"

"In the living room on the couch" Felix said in a small voice

"Are you for real what if someone saw you guys?"

And that brought Felix in thinking, here are so many maids and butlers so it wouldn't be wondering if someone saw them.
Felix then suddenly ended the call.

"Hyunjin did someone see us?"

"No, no one was near the living room cause to that time they are all in they're rooms or at home"

"Oh my thanks but next time we don't do it in the living room"

"Wait- next time" Hyunjin said while looking at Felix with a dirty stare

"AHH- no we- no" Felix stuttered

"I don't have anything against a second round"
The taller was not even in a second over Felix and kissed him and surprisingly Felix kissed back quickly, well that was until they got interrupted by a call it was Mi-he but Hyunjin pressed it away but she wouldn't stop calling so Hyunjin turned off Felix's phone and they continued with where they stopped. And this make out session quickly turned into something more.

That was it goodbye

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