Chapter 14

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I'm not giving this book up nope and I'm not giving up with trying to lose weight keep on fighting I guess
Almost the whole chapter was written by thxe_stay

It was the morning
After they both fell asleep on the couch in the library.

Felix was the first to wake up he looked around and saw Hyunjin still sleeping cuddled up to him. The dark brown haired boy was ready for what was about to come he knew that Hyunjin wouldn't be like yesterday and he knew he would get hurt by it. Felix liked how the boy was so kind to him and was so clingy towards him, but everything good sadly has to come to an end.

And the smaller boy definitely wasn't't that excited to see a sleepy, small hangover Hyunjin that could easily harm the other, so why not go home it's not like Hyunjin will miss him anyway.

The poor boy went out of the library trying his best not to wake up the latter. He was surprised how easily hyunjin let go of him looking at the last time they cuddled.

At the entrance of the house he pulled his phone out to see missed messages by Jisung and Changbin, but he didn't had time for that now he would answer them later first he wrote a quick message to hyunjin saying he was going home cause he needed to learn for an test. He then putted his shoes and jacket on and walked out of the mansion to the street.
It was getting much colder it was the 1th November and the weather was like it should be cold and a little windy too. It looked like it would rain or maybe even snow with these temperatures it wouldn't wonder him.

Felix normally hated winter it was too cold for him in his apartment but this year it felt different maybe it's the taller boy that makes him feel warm maybe it's the love, but the poor boy knew he doesn't have time for love he knew he needs to get over that crush of his and so he will try no matter what he can't be in love with Hyunjin.

After a while of thinking and shivering Felix came back to his house only to be met with
"Han fucking Jisung, what are you doing in my house?" The dark brown haired boy said with an irritated voice

"Oh just waiting for my
friend to come back from getting laid on" he said with that one specific smirk of his "Come on tell me how was it? is it big?"

"I'm not going to tell you a thing! Bitch how did you even get in!" Felix almost shouts at the quokka but hes just like deaf

Jisung whined like a child after not getting a treat and said "But lixiee were friends come onnnnn your one of my besties"

"Bitch we know each other for a week and to your information I didn't get laid and now shut up and get out I'm still tired"

"Okay okay Mr. grumpy" Han replied and literally left the house smiling at himself

'Huh that was easy' Felix thought and threw himself at the not so much comfortable bed and fell into deep slumber again.


The next day Felix was walking down the hallway until a familiar pair of buff arms grabbed him by his shoulders

'Fuck did he notice that I left with hyunjin?! He doesn't look like he's mad or noticed it, but with him you never know what he's capable of, he did in fact stab hyunjin in the back'

"Hi pretty boy~ Where were you I had plans for you and you were gone~" he put his small lips next to the others ear and whispered " that made me sad my prince~"

Felix tried to pull away and explain himself but he couldn't, the only thing that saved him was jisung grabbing changbin and turning him away from Felix
"Come on Changbin, Chan hyung is waiting for us"

"But I still need to-"

And then Jisung pulled changbin with him

Felix didn't waste any time and rushed forward the hallway, his rushed and stressed position incensed as he bumped into another person

'Fuck why is it always happening to me'

The hallway went silent, and Felix recognizes the sent and hoodie.

This was Hwang Hyunjin Himself

Now Felix understood why the hallway went quiet, he is going to get beat up
Hyunjin was ready to threw punches at the one that disrupted him on the most stressful day he had in years

Why did he trust him?

Why did He told him so much?

Why did he let him touch him?

Why does his touch feel warm and calm not cold and painful?

Why him?

And only hwang knew who 'he' was.

Both of the males heard the quiet "ooos" and whisperings from all the people watching. He closed his fist and clicked his fingers creating a frightening cracking.

Hyunjin turned around just to see the person he wanted the most, the boy he wanted to touch the boy he wanted to trust. Instead of banging him into the wall he looked him directly in the eyes and then pointed with the same black orbs at the restroom nearby.

For everyone else Hyunjin ignored him, maybe he had a good day or sum, for hyunjin It was what his dick wanted for quit a long time now since that now Hyunjin only wanted to fuck Felix again and Hyunjin himself couldn't believe how gay that sounded and probably was Hyunjin knew he shouldn't be thinking this way about a boy I mean it's disgusting......

End thanks bae for helping me I know I thanked you ten thousand times but I'm doing it again as you probably noticed I changed some sentences or added sum.
Thanks for reading

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