Chapter Three

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It was finally the weekend, so I was able to not stress about school for the time being. I packed the box my mother had left for me and a few other things inside a bag of mine and raced towards the front door. Me and Kat decided to meet somewhere other than my house. I had the feeling that she didn't like being over there, which, I didn't blame her for because I didn't like it at home much either.

Before I could leave, Trisha stood in front of me with her arms folded. I sighed, but in a way, I had hoped she didn't notice, "What's up?"

"You didn't tell me you were going anywhere. Where are you heading off to?" She asked.

I nervously answered, "Uh, I'm just gonna be out with Kat. I didn't think you'd mind."

"And you just decided that you were gonna leave without doing your chores? You know I raised you better than that", she said.

I had completely forgotten that the weekends were meant for doing our chores. We were forbidden to do anything or go anywhere until they were all completed. I was so excited about my recent findings that it didn't even cross my mind. I creased my brows at her, "Can I please just do them when I get back? Kat's already waiting on me outside."

"Then tell Kat she can either keep waiting or come inside and help you get them done", she said locking the door and walking away. There was no getting out of this, so I didn't even try to. I just needed to get this out of the way so I could go open the envelope with Kat. I ended up texting her what was going on and she chose to just wait outside until I was finished cleaning.

One of my other sisters, Tammy, had overheard me and Trisha's conversation and she rolled her eyes at me, "You know, just because you were spoiled when you were young and got to do whatever you wanted, doesn't mean you can do that now. You have to follow the rules just like everybody else in this house. You're not special."

I scoffed, "I never said that I was. And I just forgot, lay off."

"Whatever, you want to act like a spoiled brat, that's not my problem. But you will respect my parents. I don't consider you my sister, never have. I'm sure you feel the same way about me. Whatever you're doing, don't get anyone else involved in your mess. My mom may have bought your little therapy story the other day, but I don't. You keep lying to her and I might just have to figure out what you're up to. So watch yourself", she said, shoulder-checking me on the way out.

I tried to brush off her comments and just headed to my room so that I could start cleaning. Tammy never accepted me as a new sister when her mom adopted me. I always wondered why she hated me, or at the very least, didn't like me. I was always nice to her and for the most part, I stayed out of her way. I used to joke that she probably didn't like me because my name didn't start with a 't' like the rest of her family, but I knew it was something much deeper than that.

I walked in to see Tilly almost done cleaning her side of the room and she turned to me, "Back so soon?"

I closed the door, "Yeah, I forgot I had to do my chores before leaving."

She laughed while making her bed, "I thought you would've seen me cleaning and took it as a hint, but I guess not. What are you in such a hurry to go do anyway?"

Tilly was someone I could trust, but not enough to tell her the full truth of what I was up to. I shrugged, "Oh you know, just the usual. Hanging out with Kat. We're probably gonna go to the mall or something."

"Oh sweet, can I come along? I've been meaning to get a couple of things from there, see what's new", she said.

"No! I mean, I wouldn't have a problem taking you but it's not my car and she has somewhere else to go afterward, it'd be too much trouble", I said making up an excuse.

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