Chapter 4 : Demise of pleasure

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"How can I care about omens
If you are the worst one?
How can I think about death
When you will be the cause?"

Song 🎵 : Precious by Ateez

Your lips start melting inside his once he starts kissing you on his own bed. You thought it was going to be an usual mad sex like normal strangers but there is something different in his touches. Specially the way he is holding your on wrist by his hand and pinning another above your head. There is a delicacy when he is nipping on your bottom lips and rubbing his nose on yours.

Your heart starts feeling heavy by the way he is kissing you, holding you inward.

"Suck my blood," you tell him but he sighs against your neck stopping his endless kisses.

"Last time I almost kill you. I don't want you dead yet," he tells you starting to kiss you again but you hiss.

"Just bite me, please."

"If you have a fetish for bitting then you'll have to go to a human to satisfy you because I can't bite you without my fangs digging inside you," his eyes glowed in anger and you feel frustrated not because he is not listening to you but his soft touches aren't the ones you expected.

"Why are you so scared to bite me then? I know you don't care if that kills me," your words make him pin your both hands above you as he cages you beneath him.

"Because I have no wish to do so. Let me do as I am doing," he says and waits for your reaction.

You are stunned, speechless by what he said.

"I don't like how you are doing it."

"Your body is not letting me in yet, how else should I treat you then? You are a lady after all. I can't just start by thrusting ins-"

You pull yourself up and kiss him bitting his bottom lip making him fall on you while his body melts with yours. You release all the tension you have in your muscles as he kisses you. He stops and moves your body around making you lay on your chest.

"I shouldn't have tied them up," he says and you chuckle hearing him as he starts untying the ribbons.

As your back becomes bare in front of him, he slowly touches you with his knuckles. His cold touch starts from your neck and reaches right above your hip. You squirm grabbing the sheets under you as he keeps making your body awake and comfortable to his touch.

It wrecks you thinking how a demon is pleasing you better than any other men you've slept with. They were humans but they treated you like an animal and satisfied themselves.

Whereas, he is satisfying you first, making you drink some comfort and feeding your soul not only your body.

As his hands clasp your shoulder, he makes you sit in front of him slowly dropping the dress from your shoulder to your waist. He kisses on the wet wound he gave you when he bit you.

It heals a part of you, you never thought was needed.

"Drink my blood," he demands and you look above yourself to face him.

Your shoulder is nothing compared to his which causes you to hide inside his body.

He gently touches your chin making you lean on his shoulder, "It will heal the wound I've given you."

"Drink mine first and I'll drink yours," you don't know why your voice sounds so soft when you spoke.

"Deal," he says moving you around and making you sit on his lap crossing your legs around him while your dress is still on your waist.

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