Chapter 5: Paradise in hell

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"What's gone doesn't pass by me
It keeps passing through my soul
Igniting my already burnt core"

Song suggestion 🎶 : Prayer 1 April 27 [slowed and reverb]

You keep staring at the water pouring outside the tub. For some unknown reason you are stunned by the marble tiles making the water look like there are glitters in it. But it's just water and the tiles. You wonder if the house is his or has been his for years after he killed the owners by drying their blood off.

You wonder about the worst possible ways he can kill you but then those thoughts washes away with the thoughts of his hands roaming around your body, his lips crashing onto yours making you choke on your breathe. You forget about everything else once again as you feel how warm he was against your body. It's sickening how your stomach felt.

Your body starts craving more of him. But you feel shame collecting inside your heart. You don't understand how to handle the throbbing inside your thighs. It's endles and painful. It wasn't enough whatever he did to you.

You started wanting more, more and more.

You were supposed to die in his hands but here you are fantasizing about his hands, lips, his heavy breathing against your neck before he starts sucking your blood.

"Is there some reason you haven't been able to get out of the bathtub?"

His voice makes you flinch and you look at him while your heart starts racing quite badly. It almost feels like he can hear what you are thinking about. Maybe if he could hear you it would be better because you don't know what to answer right now.

"I don't know," you look through the window not being able to look into those lovely eyes wondering what is wrong with you. It was just a few minutes and the warmth touched your soul like no one else ever did.

One second your view was the window, the next you see his lips in front of your face. You have gotten used to how fast he moves from places. But his lips, oh his lips look so edible right now.

And suddenly he is dipping his fingers inside the water making your toes curl. What is wrong with him?

"Wooyoung, I-"

His index finger soaked into the water is now on your lips shushing you, "I have lived for more than hundred years, mon chéri. I understand everything you don't talk about."

When he pulls away his finger from your lips, he slightly parts your lips and you wonder what can you lose now. There is no one you can think of right now. You will die eventually after some days when he gets tired of you and decides to throw you away. So why not lose all to him?

You push your wrist towards his lips to make him feel your vein, the warm blood running through your body. It's funny how you even love the way he drinks your blood. It's sickening but something about it is so hot, you can't help it.

When he grabs your wrist, you feel his cold hand but nothing scares you about it and maybe
it surprises him. So to test you, he licks right on the skin where he can dig into your veins. You keep watching him as he tries to scare you. But little does he know how gorgeous he looks holding your hand under the moonlight.

"I can't take someone's blood when they aren't afraid of me," he says staring at you making you smile.

"Make me," it's a plea in your voice but you said it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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