Coming back after a Traumatic Time

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[3rd POV]

-Time_Present- -Verse_Home- -Location_L/n Lab-

So after a Traumatic time Y/n has went through from the six verses his misson to stabilize them so he could have "freedom" on which Verse he would go to, he decided to take a break before going to the Underverse/Deltaverse.

As Y/n was walking from the Lab toward his home he was getting praise for the accomplishments he did in the verses, he soon found out that after he left the verses they changed and some had him as the Main character and some had different story due to him being there.

While for Y/n it was hunderd's of years that passed for everyone here it was only three months since he left.

After some time he arrived to his house and the second he entered he went pale. What he saw was Kat and Neco Arc fighting over Pepsi and Milk while Aria and Gawr Gura were just...watching Gawr Gura even had popcorn.

as Nazuna and Meru came to see what was with all the noise Meru Squeals as she saw Y/n at the door and that got everyone's attention.




Complete Silence..... as they stare at each other.




Aria:*almost passes out*

Gura:*chokes on her popcorn*

Meru:*squealing *

Nazuna:*in complete shock*

Neco:*same as Nazuna*

Kat:*happy purring*

Y/n:"... hi?" 

Amanda and Eliza walk into the house and join in on the stare contest.

Y/n:"a-are you all alright?"

Everyone:"are you real?"

Y/n slowly nods unsure if they were okay since none of them blinked. suddenly Meru pounces on Y/n and tackles him in a tight hug.

Meru:"mmmmm Finaly you look so....sleep deprived?"

Nazuna:*still in slight shock*"h-he always was sleep deprived"

Kat and Neco arc we just cuddling up to Y/n purring as Meru also started to Purr somehow.

After a day or so of catching up {im lazy okay?} we see Y/n waking up in his bed but not like a normal person since a normal person would be yelling

Y/n:"BACK OF YOU SPAWN OF HELL"*jumps out of bed and summons his pistols*

Y/n then realized that he was home and sighs in relief as Nazuna and Aria burst through the door to check what happened only to be met by Y/n in pajamas and holding pistols.


Nazuna & Aria:"are you okay?"


Aria just sighs while Nazuna looks pissed.

Aria:"how many cups this time?"

Y/n:"three cups please"

Aria nods and walks off to make Y/n his 3 cups of coffee{i might be addicted to coffee}

Nazuna:*impatiently tapping her foot*

Y/n:*sighs and walks over hugging her which like with anything romantic makes her really flustered and surprisingly Nazuna hugs him back* "hungry?"

Nazuna:*licking his neck* " did ya know? maybe cause i had to drink that old stored up blood from you?!"

Y/n:"sorry but now you have some fresh blood"

{just to clear up everyone from the bonus character page is currently in the harem and Nazuna is the Main girl just to confirm}

-time skip a month later-

Aria:"so you just found her in a box?"

Y/n:*has Neco arc in his lap*"yup i did"


we see Y/n a year ago walking to his house after some meeting he had and he saw a box with a familiar cat girl in it.

we see Y/n a year ago walking to his house after some meeting he had and he saw a box with a familiar cat girl in it

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Y/n:"... really?"


Y/n proceeded to pick her up with the box and bring her home.

-end of flashback-

Y/n:"i still have that box in the storage"

Neco was nibbling his thumb.

Y/n"anyway im getting my gear and heading for the first Verse"

Nazuna:"which one is it going to be blood bag?"

Y/n"undertale and Deltarune im taking a high role higher then gasters and Bettys"
-timeskip after goodbyes and getting sent to the Undertale/Deltarune verse-{ik ik im lazy}

{System}:Role:Neutralist Character:Player 

Y/n:"i guess it does make sense i do have player powers"

{System}:Tasks before leaving this verse are doing everyrun until a solid physical body is made and Y/n is able to do all three runs alone.

Y/n:*stares as he gets sent to the void and sees Chara and Gaster and gets ready for his duty*"ohh boy"

well thats it for now i know its llazy just wanted a small short chapter before we get into this first "free" verse!

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