~ Misfit ~ 2

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     "*MASTER!*" Fang screams loudly against my skull.
     It snaps me into the present just to realize I am falling. Flicking my wings out in time to slow the descent, my feet barely dipping in to the water below. I swiftly move my wings upward, gaining altitude rapidly.
     Too rapidly, I gasp suddenly finding it hard to breathe now. I drop slowly till I find a less stressful height. Ending up merely a few kilometers above the vase expanse of water. I glance around instantly knowing this is not the world I know.
     "Did I die?" I question, full of confusion. "The last thing I remember is casting a spell..." Taking quick note of the current state of my body, I am definitely in rough shape internally.
     "*Lady Sukojo I do not believe this is an afterlife.*" Rozen's voice is soft in my mind.
     "Why are you talking mentally?"
     "*Master our energy is nearly depleted as is yours.*"
     "Then stay silent for now, do not waste anymore. Only open the link if required." I break their connection, needing to conserve myself.
     There are fresh wounds scattered about my exposed flesh with trace amounts of mana lingering.
     "The spell clearly misfired and yet I am alive..." I mumble outwardly.
     I glance around once more, the skies are pale blue and vividly bright. White fluffy clouds speckle across the endless expanse. The waters below a brilliant blue, bluer and clearer then the pictures portrayed.
     The wind that brushes across my face and dances amongst my feathers is soft and warm. I believe this is what comfort would feel like.
     "I must have died....This can not be real. *SLAP* UGGHH!!" I rub my cheek gingerly, "I am in fact not dreaming at least."
     I look back to the waters, drifting lower. I can sense such life below, countless creatures I can't even begin to understand. I let myself be carried by an errant air current, getting lost in the environment around me. Savoring the moment of experiencing a young one's fairytale.
     Soon the sun dips below the horizon and the waters infront of me glistened with white sparkling flecks. Taken aback I swiftly straighten up, hovering above the calm waters.
     I gaze upwards and my mouth drops open. There are no words to behold the spectacle before me. Millions and millions of lights twinkle and shimmer. Trails of multi color dust glow bright and wismical. Reminding me of smoke but such a mere comparison still does not do justice.
     I can not move and I can not look away. In my endless life, not once did I ever imagine that the stories were mere fractions of the truth. For there could be nothing more said, for there is no words available.
     I gaze entranced the entire night, my eyes scanning everything possible. Wanting to memorize the scenery for the rest of my years. For the first time I truly am grateful for my endless life.
     All to quick the sun begins to rise, its bright light over taking the night sky. I sigh and decide to dift east, I catch a suitable current. Rising up to the clouds, I close my eyes blocking the growing pain in my chest.
     I start to switch my focus and energy into a long flight journey. Shutting myself down, only just aware enough to sense danger. My eyes are closed and my breathing nearly stopped.
     My two hearts settle into a light rhythm and my wings hold the breeze firmly. All that's left todo is wait for the scent of land. Periodically I have a hard time breathing and it feels as though the air itself is attacking me. It falters my body, nearly dropping me into the water.
     It takes everything I have to keep from plunging downwards into the sea. They never last long but definitely frustrating. Fang and Rozen keep me centered, at least they have all the time to rest and gather strength.
     Night after night, days after days. I lose track of time in the end, feeling weeks roll by with no trace of anything but water. After a month my body finally caves to exhaustion.
     The next thing I know I am in the water suddenly. My wings soaking wet and my body happily absorbing energy from the surrounding creatures. I can feel my natural recovery kicking in, my fatigue slowing dissipating.
     I glance around for something to climb on too, hoping for anything solid. Amongst the dead fish rising to the surface, a gaint plank of wood pops up randomly.
     It shoots out of the air before landing hard on the surface. Waves bombard me backwards but I kick against them, easily making it to the driftwood. It is dark brown yet sturdy for being water soaked.
     Looking at it carefully, it actually appears to be a wooden wall of some sort. I grab on tightly and with great effort, lift myself up out of the water. I try to retract my wings into my back but to no avail. This water substance somehow blocking that ability.
     I shake them hastily but the liquid continues to just slowly drip off. Huffing in frustration my only choice is to spread my wings out. Fully extendeding them so they can to dry naturally, there is no point in recklessly casting. I pat my hips, making sure my blades were still firmly secured.
     I close my eyes, standing in the warming sunshine against my back.
The feeling still new yet I welcome it fully, even the salty air feels like a cooling kiss across my exposed skin. Only a wet cloak sits at my feet, my clothes are mana generated thus I must dry my body first.
     I turn in spot, exposing my front side to the sun light now. The warmth is comfortable against my feathers, I thought it be unbearable. I grin wickedly, excited about the situation I have landed in.
     Even though there hasn't been land, the scenery has been more then enough to make up for it. The underwater life is teaming with vigor and color, providing me with entertainment.
     Suddenly a surge of strange power burst within my range. It is rapidly appoarching and as I spin in spot, it's too late. A strange beast plows right over top of me, my wings fold around the vessel with great force. As the pain radiates from my wings I catch a sent of brimstone and smoke.
     The only thought that comes to mind is a damn fire dragon and I groan internally. My drifting wall now broken into fragments and my wings fully drenched once more. Plus the pain in my chest has been knocked to the forefront.
     The speeding creature slows and I reach out for the biggest chunk of floating wood I could as a coughing fit tears from my lungs. I sense the damn dragon close, his stare burns into my back, I whip my head around in kind.
     To my surprise I am met with a human staring at me. Fire coming up from around his feet, powering what seems to be the engine of his vessel. I glance back up at his face to see his hand over his eyes.
     "You are.. you... naked.." His voice light and nervous.
     "Indeed I am." I look around and spot my cloak close by. I reach for it and do my best to cover what I could.
     "Here, um.. lady... you can ride with me for now... Till I figure out what do with you.."
     I raise an eyebrow at his hand, ignoring it, I climb up on to his vessel unaided. It seems sturdy enough and has good amount of space too. I walk over to the furthest point from this dragonoid, concealing myself in my cloak.
     "My name is Sabo." He removes a large hat, revealing messy blonde hair.
     What stands out the most is the large scar over his eye, it is a miracle he still has an eye at all. Must be a perk of his strange magic perhaps. Shaking my head from wayward thoughts, I look at Sabo intently. Before I could speak, I drop to me knees. It feels like my lungs are on fire, I cough vigorously unable to catch my breath.
     I hear his panicked tone but mute it out, focusing on gaining control of my breathing. Each cough sends a fresh wave a pain rippling through my body. My chest wrenches with each breathe in or out.
     After a few moments I regain composure and the sudden onslaught subsided. I right myself and face an unsure Sabo, I groan and turn my back to him. My wings flex out, water slowly dripping from the feather tips. A dull ache is unrelenting though, it feels as if I took a bombard assault head on. It compounds the fact that I am indeed unwell.
     I stood in this position for many days, ignoring the questions and words coming from Sabo's mouth. Only replying in simple statements on a rare night. He is definitely strange but listening to the random stories he talks about kills time at least.
    This human is so different from what I know, yet I don't think he is human at all. At least not of the same race from my home. His stories answer many questions that have lingered and definitely helps give me more of an understanding of this world.
    It seems war is upon them here but not to the same level as mine was, at least not yet. Maybe I should investigate more on my own once I am fully able too. Today something feels off, I can barely sense similar essences to Sabo's.
      There must be others in the stretch of water, I glance behind me and Sabo seems blissfully unaware. Clearly he isn't as strong as I am, or he gives nothing away. I return my gaze back to the waters, watching creatures jump and splash about off to the sides.
      Marvelous displays of agility, the creatures seem reminiscent of Dolphins. The history books talked of such creatures from a time long before my birth. I wonder what other folklore and myths I will experience here.

Lost Wings: A Pirate AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now