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Luna leaped from rooftop to rooftop, her black wings somehow holding her up, despite the winds that threatened to engulf her. She had to get there on time. 

Earlier that evening, she'd got an alert of a mass killing across the city. And dragons travel fast. If she didn't make it in time, she wouldn't be able to bring the killer to justice. And then... she'd be out of a job. Or rather, out of a life. Point was, she couldn't afford to make a mistake.

She swooped down into a tree, and relaxed. Below, she could hear panicked shouts, growing louder by the second. Luna checked her amulet, making sure the invisibility charm wasn't on the fritz, lest she accidentally be seen. She unsheathed her weapons, took a deep breath, and jumped down.

Luna was greeted with absolute chaos. People were running helter-skelter, screaming as if their lives depended on it. There were still others, silent, surrounded in a pool of darkening red. Somehow, Luna found the silence scarier than the screaming. In the midst of the morbid crowd, she spotted a scared-looking child, clutching a worn-out teddy bear. Behind her, a human officer was pointing a gun to her head. All around them, people were screaming. Some were screaming at the officer, some were screaming at the child, heck, Luna couldn't tell the difference now. She could make out the officers lips moving in a pattern, but she couldn't quite hear what he was saying. As she got closer, she could finally hear the officers shouting, "Everyone back off; this child's a monster." Just then, the child's hands, as if by their own accord, moved upward. The officer fired the bullet. And everything went quiet.

It took her a second to realize what had happened. The child stood, stock-still; the officer, and the people around, were all frozen in time. Clearly, this girl is not normal... Luna thought. Suddenly, she heard a quiet whimper. The child had approached her, her eyes big and full of fear. Now that she was seeing the child up close, she could see that the girl had little horns, and miniature wings and a tail. She automatically took a step backward, memories flashing before her eyes. Again, the child toddled towards her, as if wanting to be picked up. Suddenly, Luna realized that she was coddling the child, singing it an old lullaby that had been hidden for years, deep in her heart. She looked down at the asleep face, with its peaceful smile. How could this little dragonling have done so much damage? No, it was someone else. She set the child down on the grass, and turned to go. But she immediately stopped. What would happen to her, if she left her there? No, she couldn't, and yet....

Luna let out a frustrated sigh. Why must her job be so difficult? She picked up the child, and launched herself into the sky.


It was twice as hard to get home, but Luna didn't mind. All the way back, she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Where did the child come from? And what monster would leave their own child to die? Even for the dragons, this was a new low, she thought. As she climbed through the apartment window, the child stirred. Instinctively, she began patting the child on the head, making her slip back into sleep. "Well, the night shift is over. Time for bed." And yet, all night, she couldn't help watching over the girl.

The next morning, Luna was making pancakes, when the child woke up. At first, she was to scared to do anything except watch this girl make food, but eventually, she came up to her. "Excuse me, miss, but.... who are you?"  

Luna looked in surprise. Then, she slowly replied, "My name's Luna. And you?"


Luna knelt down and took the girl's hands in her battle-scarred ones. 

"I promise you this Natalie; as long as I'm around, no one will ever hurt you again."

And the child smiled.

Darkside of the Moon (MID + Werewolf and Dragon OC)Where stories live. Discover now