Chapter 1: Pancakes at 3am.

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Luna's P.O.V.

I woke up. Oh shoot, I'm late! I quickly flipped over in bed, grabbed my phone, and immediately died of the bright light.


When I finally got my bearings, I looked at the time. It read 10 pm. A blanket of relief washed over me. Now, I had time to clean my armour from the last battle. I walked over to my closet, and dragged out a set of clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then changed into my outfit. I sat down on the bathroom floor and scrubbed and polished my chainmail coat until whatever blood the last expedition had shed was gone. I put it on, and applied a bit of makeup. There; now I look perfect. I walked outside, and began cooking breakfast. 

"Luna, it's freaking 10am. Why are you up so early? Doesn't your shift start at, like, 12 am. or something?"

I turned around to see a sleepy looking Natalie stumble out of her bedroom, rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry; it's just that the last time, I didn't have time to clean my armour. And, I've got an early shift this time."

"Whatsit now?"

"Vampire on East End. Apparently been terrorizing the homeless camp."

"Well, I trust that you'll do what's right."

"Of course I will; I always do."

The food was ready. I set it down on two plates.

"What is that?"

"It's mornings breakfast; there's hash browns, whipped cream with strawberries (at the mention, Natalie's face brightened), and tea. Make sure to warm up the hash browns and tea. See you soon."

I sauntered to the window, and was just about to open it when...

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I looked at my belt, then at Natalie, then at my belt again, and then it hit me.

"OH! Be right back!"

I rushed to my bedroom drawer, and threw it open. Hidden underneath the hairpins, and tucked among the earrings, were my 3 sets of weapons. I brushed my hand over them, letting my fingers linger over a particular one: the Everblades. These blades could shapeshifte into whatever the wielder desired, as long as they had the purest intentions in mind ("That's why the Council gifted them to you," Natalie had said). I grabbed them, and placed them in my belt. I raced to the window, and threw it open. I shouted back to Natalie,"Remember to take out the trash; it's your turn today."

"What!? Why?"

"Because we follow an order. Also, I need you to pick up some Munchie Scrunchies and Purr-faits for Star on the way to your job interview."

"Got it..."

Just as Natalie was about to disappear into her bedroom, I asked her one more very important thing:



I chuckled. Kids would be kids, just like Natalie would always be Natalie. I spread my wings, the wind buffeting them. I longed to soar...

I stood up, let out a howl that would've made Lupus proud, and jumped off the building.

Natalies P.O.V.

As I watched Luna soar away, a flash of recognition crossed my mind. Dark wings....soaring....the need to fly.....

Just as quickly as it had come, the memory faded. Instead, it was replaced by overwhelming tiredness. I immediately walked over to my bed. As I flopped down, and sank into darkness, a thought flashed through my mind.... What if I could use my powers too? And when would my life stop being boring?

Hi guys! This is the ending of the first chapter. Please follow my account for more....coming tomorrow!

Take care, y'all, and make sure to eat good food, keep hydrated, and be happy!

-Lily :)

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