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Working hard to right his wrongs Scaramouche is in the akademiya where Nahida would be to keep a eye on her as she meet several citizens to see if she can help them.
The citizens of sumeru are scared and intimidated by the looming shadow in the backround.
Scara is standing right there, arms crossed, glaring at each and every single one of them.
Once most meetings are over and the last one leaves Nahida turns to look at the other and gives him a warm, kind smile. "I do not need protection" she looks up at him.

Scara looks down at her fixing his had and letting our a scoff "Yeah right-... I don't want you to get hurt or somebody to take you away like the doctor did...just accept that I will be here glaring at them so they know they shouldn't mess with you"

Nahida has a soft smile growing on her face seeing the other is very much protective over her, although not necessary, although she thinks it is over doing it, it still is very sweet and the gesture comes with good intend.
She would walk away with him walking side by side as he thinks for a short moment  on what to say. "Why don't you take a break for the rest of the day? You have been working very hard recently so I think it is deserving!" She smiles up at him.

Scaramouche looks down at her raising a brow his expression never changing. "Why would I do that..." his monotone voice made it very clear he disliked the idea.
What was he supposed to do when he is not here? Wander around?

Nahida knows he probably will not listen to her so she tries to explain it in such a way to hopefully be able to convince him.
"Although somebody can be hard working they can do fun outside of work or anything they are doing. For example, alhaitham the grand Sage reads books in his free time and-..."

"That's just stupid. I see no purpose in having "fun". It is a waste of time" He rolls his eyes seeming rather annoyed by all of this.
Why is Nahida suddenly bringing this up? Does she not want him around anymore?
Is he a burden for her?
With these thoughts he glances at the small archon and in his look there was something very familiar.
He thought Nahida wanted to betray him, to abandon him. He stops her from walking and glares down at her "If you want to get rid of me just say so..."

Nahida did not think it would escalate so quickly as she puts her hands up she meant nothing of that shaking her head and hands in a no gesture.
"No, no, no! Not at all! Please, I just wish for you to have fun and to lay back something to pick up a hobby or perhaps find a friend" she explained but seeing the other is still glaring at her unmoving, watching him stand before her with crossed arms she let's out a soft sigh growing a little upset because she only is trying to help him.
"Please understand where I am coming from. I only want the best for you-..."

Hearing her voice soften almost crack in the end he knows he upset her and his expression softens immitatly. He wouldn't apologize, he just walked away. He would take a walk and wander around all day if he must to clear his mind and to well in his self-hatred telling himself to shut up and that he is stupid constantly in his own head while he wished he could smash his head to pieces against a wall but luckily he didn't do that.
Taking a walk he walks trough the forest first hoping some Rishboland tigers would attack him, he hoped treasure hoarders set a trap he would walk into yet nothing, it was a peaceful walk with nothing overly exciting happening.
Hearing fighting in the distance a eery grin creeps onto his face and moves a large leaf of a bush out of the way to see but what he saw-...if he had a heart it would either drop to the core of the earth or pound rapidly in his chest.
"N-Niwa..." he whispers to himself shocked, his eyes wide as he stares at seemingly a blonde Niwa with a red streak in his hair fight the enemies. The sword fighting style is very familiar to him and he stumbled backwards a little tripping over a branch and falling to the ground out of shock.

The man in question heard the thud and the leafs on the ground crunch at the impact of something so after defeating the last enemy he walks over and with the blunt edge of his sharp blade he moves the leafs of the bush out of his way but he saw nothing.

A roaring storm from within [Kazuha x Scara (trans)]Where stories live. Discover now