The Castle's Fucking Gone!

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(Author's note from after finishing this fic: well hello there guys, I remembered that warnings exist for some stuff so uh here? ig? anyway this fic has stuff like swearing, minor violence but nothing really graphic, nothing too bad tho. No lemon or any of that shit.)

(Enjoy ig)


"I...I can't believe it's gone..."

Tari stared into the gaping pit where Peach's castle once stood. The ugly, low-poly castle- No, our home. Our home was gone.

"I'm really gonna miss this place," said Luigi, reminiscing about all our adventures and videos and dumb challenges we had filmed in there for years. "Wait...but guys..." Mario was still clinging onto a shred of hope. "Mario blows up the castle all the time... can't we just build it again?"

"Something tells me the castle won't be returning anytime soon..." sighed Meggy.

We all took one last look at the jaws of the strange, demonic creature that had swallowed the castle. "I'm really sorry I caused all of this, guys..." I said, tearing up a little. It's gone. It's all gone, just like that. It wasn't perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm absolute garbage. "This was like a home to us... We had so many adventures here."

'Thank you for watching SMG4!'


The memories flashed in my mind. It's all gone. Our adventures, our memories, our home. I wasn't perfect. It wasn't perfect. It's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be-

"I'm going to make this right," I said, picking up a wooden door, the last piece of the castle. "We can build a new castle! And it may be different...but so long as we're all together...I'm sure it's going to be perfect!"

It'll be perfect. I'm sure of it. I don't need to worry about any of this right now.

"This'll be fun!" exclaimed Tari, lightening the mood a little. "We'll get to build it up however we want!"

"[We can build a rock stage!]" said Saiko. "And have a spaghetti room!" said Mario excitedly.

"I can make a room to do lots of illegal things!" said Bob. Uh... I probably shouldn't say anything about that. "Can we have an anime room, too?" asked Boopkins.

"Uhh...maybe!" I said, just glad that everyone wasn't as sad now. Everyone started discussing plans, talking about making training rooms, something about hiding bodies, and-

"Wait, guys!" said SMG3. "This is cool and all, but where and how are we gonna do that?" Spoiling the mood like always. Good point, though...

What do I tell them all? "I...I don't know... But I'm sure we'll figure it out!" I said cheerfully. "C'mon!"


1 hour later


Mario's doorbell rang when I pushed the button. I was honestly kind of surprised, I didn't expect that stupid Avatar's house to be in such good shape.

Mario answered the door. "Hehe... hey dude," I said as I hauled a bag inside.

"ES EM GEE FOURRRRR!" Mario yelled, doing his signature fist-pump as I came in. "You... sure this is ok?" I asked.

Mario laughed, giving me a slap on the back that probably could have accidentally killed me, somehow. Man, how is this lazy-ass Italian so strong? "Of course!" he exclaimed. "It's gonna be so much fun!"

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