chapter twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

** Please ignore any/all mistakes

Bonnie Bennett sat across from Klaus awkwardly. For the first time in weeks, the entire family, except for Henrik and Finn, was together in one room. Bonnie secretly liked that they were doing this while Henrik was at school because she desperately didn't want him to see yet another fight between her and his siblings. But, she also refused to continue to let the Mikaelsons run over her. 

 Elyza sat next to Kol, while Mina sat in between her and Bonnie.

Elyza folded the piece of paper she just finished reading in half, handing it off to Elijah. Sitting her her husband, she leaned back, her eyes glancing towards Mina who was sitting next to her. "The dopple-bitch admitted to Esther not only bringing them back but planning a hit out on this entire family."

Klaus tensed beside Rebekah. "Our mother's plotting is really starting to work my nerves."

Mina turned to look at her cousin, rubbing her arm. This entire situation was getting to be too much. "Whatever she had you injected with would 'protect' you?" Mina questioned. "Why would poisoning you with dark magic protect you?"

Elijah folded his jacket against the back of the chair. He had been the one to call this meeting, requiring that everyone in the family come out of their sulking to solve this problem once and for all. "Are you sure you got out all the information from Miss Elena?"

Elyza nodded. "She could've been lying about her knowing more, but at least we know something. I'm sure I could just torture it out of her," The heretic smiled. "Then we can send her to see your bitch mother once again."

"We can't kill her," Bonnie shook her head. "While this piece of information could've been useful before I let her go, what's done is done. She's not Esther's puppet and she's not ours either. I let her go to live her own life... a good life. She deserves that."

Mina swallowed. She prayed to any God that was listening that Elyza and her wouldn't go back and forth.

Elyza took a deep breath, doing her best to remain civil. "If Esther sent her back, that must mean that she needs her alive for something. The best thing to do is to kill her."

Rebekah nodded in agreement. "Elyza has a point."

Kol sat up. "She's right. Dear ole' mum can't keep bringing her back. I'm sure that's taking more juice than she wants to keep using."

Bonnie slipped her arm out from Mina's holding, sitting up on the edge of the couch. "But that's not it. She brought back all three of them, not just Elena."

Elijah looked to Elyza and Kol. "I'm afraid Bonnie is right. If Mother simply brought back Elena, that would be a different story, but that's not what has happened. I assure you, Mother didn't bring three ordinary vampires back for just anything."

"It doesn't really matter why she brought them back," Rebekah started, sitting her tea down on the coffee table in front of her. She sat her booted feet firmly on the ground. "The fact is that she did. She needs them alive for something and it's in all of our favor to simply kill them again."

"Right, Bex," Elyza countered. "All I'm saying is that we're playing detectives when we don't need to be. This isn't a crime show, a fable tell, or a game. Let's stop treating it like it is."

"We also don't need to play executer," Bonnie chimed in. "If we kill them and she brings them back, we'll have no shot at retaining them again. We'll have no information. But if we keep them alive and watch them she can't get her hands on them again."

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