Back Story

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Hi Everyone! My name is Evelynn and I have been battling emetaphobia my whole life. For those of you who don't know what emetaphobia is, it's a fear of vomiting.

A lot of scientists (and other smart people) don't really know what causes it. Since so many people can develop because of multiple different reasons. For some, it's not being in control of the situation. Which stems from anxiety. A lot of people who developed emetaphobia got it from a traumatic experience involving vomiting. Whether it was vomiting at school in front of people, chronic illness, or watching a love one get sick. It could be anything.

In this story, I'm going to walk you through my battle with emetaphobia. How it started, and where I am now. Thank you so much for reading. I hope I can help you with your own struggles or help you understand someone you love.

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