The Last Piece of Serum and the Truth

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Meanwhile, back in the Shanghai province, at home, the hunters were staying in the house, and wondering if the kids would come back, they started to worry about the boys, thinking that they had gone for hunting the items. Meanwhile, Rebecca was worried about the kids and Captain Read and she didn't know that they had gone before and shouldn't need to be told and asked about the quest. Just then, the women returned home well-dressed and properly, acting like perfect brides, the men were so shocked to see their loves changed, Pierce was shocked to see Gwen become prettier and couldn't accept her as she was, Zander took a liking to Priya's new looks and hoped that they would become humans, Luke discovered that Annabelle had changed a bit as she struggled to maintain her humanity, Hope showed her new looks to her fellow hunters who were amazed by this, and Annika was pleased by her new outfits. Just then, the kids and Captain Read arrived with the six items they got, and the boys' older cousin was exhausted from keeping an eye on them, Haru and Luna were eager to create True Potential Serum to find their destinies as well as find their father.

"Hey guys, we are back," said Haru.

"Where have you been?" asked Luke.

"Listen, we went to find the six items except the seventh one," explained Scott, but was elbowed by Haru.

"Don't talk about the Forbidden City," warned Haru.

"Wait? What is that?" questioned John.

"Well, we don't want to talk about it." denied Ryan, talking out a map only for it to be snatched by John who took a look at it.

"Mmmm, I think we should go to the Forbidden City." insisted John.

"No! It was full of ghosts, we are telling you," warned Haru.

"What are you talking about?" shrugged John.

"That's it, we are going it!" gritted Luke, vowing to enter the Forbidden City to have a look.

"Only if is dark." required Haru.

"Good." nodded Luke.

"But where to ride?" shrugged John.

"My dragon," answered Haru.

"Wait? Is there any riddle?" asked Scott.

"Yes, but I don't know where it is?" answered Haru, but doesn't know where the last riddle is.

"But we will figure it out somehow," replied Scott.

Later, that night, the Forbidden City in Beijing, the political and ritual center of China, served as the Chinese imperial palace for six centuries and a home for the royal family, along with all their advisors, attendants, and concubines. It turned out that the City was haunted by many ghosts roaming around after dark. At the entrance, there, John and Lloyd are wearing hunter outfits and armed with gear to protect themselves from ghosts. Along with Luke, they infiltrated the City, marched up to the area, and investigated the rumor about the ghost sightings, the cousins came across a palace, walked upstairs, marched to the entrance, and ventured inside the palace to look around to find out. Once they were inside the palace to investigate the ghost sighting, the hunters wandered around the area and searched for ghosts they had never seen before while using the flashlights to see in the dark. Unbeknownst to them, while investigating the area, a fog of white clouds covered the entire room where a trio of black-haired women in white dresses came out of nowhere and saw the men appear in the palace, they floated toward and approached them to attack them.

"John, look out!" alerted Luke, turning around and seeing the ghost hovering upon the hunters, they pulled out the guns and prepared to shoot them.

"Wait!" warned Scott, running into the palace with Ryan as well.

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