Part 5: Girl Problem

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Author recalls <<<<

After coming inside his room, Jungkook is furious, he can't digest the fact that
Y/N stopped him. It feels like his big ego is crushed all over again...cux he's someone who always gets what he wants.

He can clearly hear Y/N sobbing outside but chooses to ignore on purpose.

A couple of hours passed in his failed attempts to sleep...

Jungkook comes out of his room to check up on Y/N***

Current scenario***

Jungkook: Hey! I'm sorry okay!

Y/N: (prefers not to say anything)

Jungkook: I think I was out of the line today (hates to admit). I was being so aggressive and rough...I Know, I must have scared you Lucy.

Just forget what happened okay?

Y/N: Forget what happened? Wow! How can you say this so casually? It was my first can I just forget it like it didn't happen at all?

Jungkook: What's the big deal! We are adults! It was my first time too, with you atleast!

Y/N: Jungkook you are so mean, please leave me alone. (starts crying even more).

Jungkook: (Instantly Regrets everything he said)

Jungkook: Heyyyy don't start crying again...Oh God...wait let me bring you water.

(Jungkook goes to the Kitchen)

Jungkook's pov**

What do I do now? How to stop herself from crying...(frustrated). I'm not even good with the sweet talk...Ohhh God, let me just ask Tae (Jungkook's best friend)

(Jungkook calls Tae quickly)

Jungkook: (Please pick up fast please please)

Jungkook: (Please pick up fast please please)

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(Tae picks up)

Tae: Yes Kookie

Jungkook: Bro, how to stop someone from crying?? Tell me fast I don't have much time

Tae: Oh no...who did you beat up this time Kookie?

Jungkook: I didn't beat anyone I swear, It's a girl...she won't stop crying bro... what do I do?

Tae: Ahhh Jungkookie! You and your girl problems! What did you even do?😳  That made her cry?

Jungkook: I can't tell you all that, just tell me what to do already...come on please.

Tae: Just agree to whatever she is saying! You Idiot! Don't agrue! Just Nod and listen to her, Use your cute face tactic Jungkookie come on! Try to comfort her...(Continues to instruct)

Jungkook: Fine...Bye (Hangs up)

Tae: Damn this aggressive brat!

Tae: Damn this aggressive brat!

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(Jungkook comes to Y/N)

Jungkook: Here...have some water...

Y/N: (so done with him) Were you digging water from a well? Huh

Jungkook: I'm sorry I made you upset Lucy, you were right about everything.
I won't make you uncomfortable again.

It's cold here, come sleep in my room cozily.

Y/N: (Looks at him suspiciously)

Jungkook: Hey don't give me that look... I'm not a sex maniac! I won't do anything to you. (offers his hand)

Y/N: (holds his hand nervously) Okay let's go...I'm already very cold.

(Jungkook and Y/N come inside his room)

Author's pov**

Jungkook is lying beside Y/N and talking to her, he has no idea on how to comfort's just not who he is as a person...but he is still trying, to have a normal conversation with her...
Jungkook continues to talk and soon realizes that Y/N has fallen asleep...

Jungkook continues to talk and soon realizes that Y/N has fallen asleep

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Jungkook's pov***

Ohhh I'm just talking to myself now... she is already sleeping...isn't she too close to me right now...but why I'm not thrilled by this? Hmm it's weird 🤔  It actually feels nice...I feel so snugly and warm...I wonder what this feeling is? 🤔 (yawns) Ohh I'm so sleepy too...
Let me just sleep now.

(Jungkook falls asleep peacefully as well)

To be continued...

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