1:12 Faith

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The Impala's engine purr comes to a stop when Dean turns off the engine, stopping in front of all old abandoned looking farm house. We open the car doors, creating that most familiar squeak that anyone of us can recognize from hundreds even thousands of miles away. That's how loud the Impala's door squeaks were.

The boys and I make our way to the trunk and begin searching for what we need. "What do you have that amped to?" asked Sam as he sees Dean reach for a box containing electricity.

"100,000 volts."

"Damn." I say crossing my arms. "That much, huh?"

"Yeah, I want this raw-head extra freaking crispy. Now remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count."

"Yeah, we know Dean." I close the Impala's trunk as we head towards the farm house. We head towards the house directly to the basement. We turn on our flashlights and ready our pistols as we make our way down the basement stairs, Dean leading the way. I hear the stairs creak under us, as we make our descendant down. I flash my light everywhere, getting myself familiar with the settings. As we reach the bottom of the stairs we begin to hear a tapping noise coming from behind a closet door.

"On three." says Dean beginning the count down to three. As soon as he hit three he opened the door, finding two kids behind it. "Is it still here?" asks Dean whispering. "Okay, grab your sister's hand. We're gonna get you out of here."

As soon as the kids got up we all began making it towards the stairs. I followed the kids, with Dean right behind me, leaving Sam behind all of us. I ran up the stairs when I hear a loud thumping noise from the bottom of the stairs.

"Sam!" yelled Dean as he follows after a fallen Sam.

"Quick." I tell the kids as I lead them up the stairs. "Listen. Outside that door is a car. Quickly get inside and stay there until we come back. Understood?" I asked turning my head to the basement door and then back to the kids. "Understood?" I ask more firmly. With a weak shake of the head from the kids, I make my way down the stairs. I quickly run down the stairs when I hear Dean tell Sam to ran back to us.

"Where's Dean?" I ask Sam, as I try to get passed him.

"He's down there, taking care of it." replies Sam out of breath. "Where are the kids?"

"I told them to get into the car. We gotta go help Dean." I insisted as I tried to push my way through Sam.

"Okay. Okay." says Sam as he turns around and heads downstairs. I quickly follow after. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I see a fallen Dean laying in a puddle of water.

"Dean!" I yell, as I rush to his side. "Dean?" I ask as I hold his head in my hands. "Dean?"

"We have to get him to a hospital." orders Sam as he quickly Dean up, and hauls him over his shoulder. "We have to get him to the nearest hospital. Fast."


I sit in the waiting room, as I wait for the doctor to appear. I see Sam approach me, putting his arm around me. "It's okay, Ana. Everything's okay. Dean's going to be fine."

"How do you know Sam?" I ask Sam, as I lift my face from my hands. Tears rolling off my cheeks. "Do you know how many volts of electricity that was? 100,000 volts Sam--"

"Yeah, I know."

"What if he didn't make it?" I ask, my voice breaking at the word. "What if Dean is dead? I can't bear to live without him, Sam.I--- I love him." I announce stare into Sam's eyes as I can see the pain pouring through his eyes as well.

"I know you do, Ana." responds Sam, trying to calm me down. "But I know Dean's okay. He always is."

I rest my head on his shoulders when the doctor soon appears. I quickly get up and head towards the doctor. "How is he?" I ask as I wipe tears from my eyes.

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