1:02 Wendigo

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Open your eyes, look up at the skies and see, I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy...

I was drifting asleep, listening to Bohemian Rhapsody, when I suddenly saw Sam jerk up from his seat, Sam has been having nightmares ever since Jess died. I understand that Sam is griefing, but having nightmares after nightmares.... I was beginning to worry.

"You okay, Sammy?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it.

Sam looks at me and then at Dean, who was also worried judging by the look on his face. "Yeah, I'm... I'm okay." swipping off beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Another nightmare?" asks Dean the obvious. Sam just simply clears his throat. "Want to drive for a while?" asks Dean. Sam simply just chuckles. I quickly sit up straight, before I get to say what was on my mind, Dean says, "In your dreams Anais." I slump in my seat with my arms crossed.

"In your whole life, you never once asked me that." says Sam smiling about the silly thing Dean just said.

"Just thought you mind want to. Never mind."

"Dean come on! You didn't even let me say what I wanted to say." I complained. "For all we know I could have said I found the cure for cancer."

"Is that what you were gonna say?" asks Dean not turning to look at me.

"No. I was gonna ask if I could drive the Impala." Dean just simply smiles and laughs at the ridiculous thing I just said.

"Look, you guys, You're worried about me. I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay." Insists Sam trying to convice us that we were worrying for no reason.

"Mm-Hmmm." says Dean as I simply scoff.

"So... where are?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"We are just outside of Grand Junction." informs Dean.

Sam sharply takes a deep breath, "Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." reaching the map and unfolding it.

"Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica..."

"We have to find John first." I said.

"Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after 20 years? It's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He''ll know what to do." assures Dean.

"It's weird man." starts Sam. "These coordinates he left us, this black water ridge."

"What about it?" I ask trying to join in the conversation.

"There's nothing but woods." replies Sam.

"Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?" I ask playing with a strand of my hair, as we passed a welcome sign that read 'Lost Creek National Forest.'


As we arrive, we get off the car Sam begins to explain the area that is Lost Creek. "Remote, cut of by canyons, rough terrain, dense forrest, abandoned mines."

"Dude, check out the size of this freaking bear. says Dean astonished by the size of the thing. Dean doesn't really pay attention to Sam when he explains things.

"And a dozen other grizzlies in the area. It's no mature hiking, that's for sure." says Sam finishing his explanation before Dean interupted.

"You kids are aren't planning to go out to Black Water Ridge, now are you?" asks a ranger heading our direction.

"Oh of course not!" I say smiling, showing the ranger my big pearly whites. "We are enviornmental study rangers, from UC boulder."

"Recycle man." Really Dean? I think to myself. Well... there goes our story.

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