1:05 Bloody Mary

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I let out a big sigh as Dean parks the Impala in front of a hospital in Toledo. I slump in the backseat and blow at a strand of hair dangling on my face. I blow on it quite a few times, when I see Dean shake Sam awake. I let out yet another sigh at the sight of seeing Sam sit up straight from his nightmare. Sam has been expieriencing nightmares for weeks now. I understand losing Jessica was hard for him, but it's time for him to move on.

I begin to squirm in my seat of bordom, I quickly open the car door and step out. I stretch out my arms and legs, jogging up and down a bit to let the blood flow through my body. I take a few steps toward Dean's car window, after stretching, "So, what are we looking at?"

"Steven Shoemaker." reads Dean. "Father, widowed, great man, blah, blah, blah, the usual."

Sam reaches over and takes the paper from Dean's hand, analyzing it, "What do you think happened to this guy?"

"Well that's for us to find out Sammy." I respond as I lean away from the window, so Dean may exit the car.

We enter the hospital and head towards the morgue.

We open the double sided door, and we walk right to the only person in the morgue, a Tech guy in the place. I walk up a little in front of the boys, place my hand on the table, and smile, "We're Med students from the State of Ohio. Did Dr. Figlavitch tell you we were coming?"

"No, he didn't." he answered as he sat up straight.

"Really, now?" I responded, pretending to be surprised by his answer. "Well we just got off the phone with him a couple of hours ago. He said he was going to show us the Shoemaker corpse." at the last word I instinctively clasped my hands together making a loud clap, that Sam, Dean and the Tech guy jumped a bit.

"Well he'll be back by lunch." he replies as he quickly recovers from the jump.

I lean forwards the desk, and give him a fake genuine smile, and bash my eyes a little. He didn't seem to move a muscle at my attempt to flirt. I quickly stand up straight and cross my arms in frusteration, and let out a frusterated sigh. Must be gay...

"Look man, it's like half our grade. So let us see the corpse." said a frusterated Dean as he rolled his eyes at my sad attempt of flirting.

"Sorry, but no."

I slighty turn my head towards Sam and whisper, "I swear I am going to punch him in the face." Sam let out a slight chuckle. I suddenly turn my direction towards Dean and pull out his wallet, convienetly located in his back pocket. I pull out five 20s and hand them to the Tech.

Grabbing the money, he immedietly stood up and showed us the way. I tossed Dean's wallet over my shoulder and he immedietly catched it, I could quickly hear him say 'hey.' I quickly walk a little faster becasue I could hear Dean's footsteps approaching right behind me faster. I suddenly feel a small pull on my arm, and I hear Dean whisper, "Hey, I work hard for that money."

I turn to look at him, and half smile, "You won it in a poker game."

"That's still hard work!" rebuttles Dean. I roll my eyes and follow Sam, and the Tech.

I arrive to where Sam, and the Tech are standing with Dean not far behind. The Tech had already pulled out Mr. Shoemaker's body. I look over to what Sam, was looking at and I notice, blood all over Mr. Shoemaker's eyes, as if they had been scooped out, with a painful ice scream scooper.

I stare at the body appauled, I could feel my mouth opened with one of my eyebrows raised. I must have looked sexy... "So." I manage to speak. "His daughter found him like this? With his eyes bleeding? So says the paper." The Tech simply snorts and scoffs. Wow, I was trying to flirt with this jerk?

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