Family Tree

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For anyone who might get confused about who is who after they come here from Hasratein, here is a walk through who is whose child.

Advait and Firdaus

First child- Shivangi Kapoor

Second child- Faisal Kapoor

Yuvaan and Trisha

First child- Siya Rathore

Second child- Yug Rathore

Third child- Tia Rathore

Kunal and Shaira

First child- Darsh Kashyap

Second child- Shivam Kashyap

Ansh and Samiksha

First child- Vardhaan Agnihotri

Dev and Isha

First child- Ritvik Sinha

Second child- Disha Sinha

Note- I will give each character's age during their story, as some of their story might start when they are in school/ college while the others would have it way into their adulthood.

*Siya and Yug are twins, I've only written the first child and second child to make it easier, as Siya was born a couple minutes before Yug.

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