No one is there

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TW for this chapter.
It was now 2:30 pm and it had started to thunder. Aria has always hated thunder ever since she was little. Aria made her way down the the kitchen to grab a snack.

She looked out the big double doors that led to the backyard, trees where being blown and it was far k and gloomy outside making it look like evening even though it's only mid day. As aria was lost in thoughts a loud band came from upstairs as thunder struck causing a bright white flash light up the dim room.

Arias heart skipped a beat she has had the feeling of being watched all day and now there was a bang in the house. Wanting to know what it was aria slowly crept upstairs.

She walked into the spare room where the bang cam form, as she walked a cat caught her attention. "Oh it's just a cat" the girl said to her self with a sigh of relief. "Wait" she said her heart beat rising. "I don't have a cat."

Now she was really freaked out. What was a cat doing her house. She backed out of the room slowly and ran down the hallway to get her phone and ring her father.

She clicked his contact and put it to her ear as it rang. She could feel her self begin to find it hard to breathe she ran back downstairs to grab her inhaler taking a puff. Her dad didn't answer the phone. "I thought you would have your phone on you all day" she said out loud.

"Aria" she heard a familiar voice say. She walked over to where she heard the voice thinking it was her grandma. But no one was there.

She ran back upstairs to see if the car was still there but it was gone. She began to cry she prayed her mind was just playing tricks on her. But would the be this realistic. She thought.

She ran into her room and completely broke down. Throwing everything pulling her dresser to the floor smashing everything she could. God she felt like she was going insane. Tears ran down her face. She began punching her mirror. It was all cracked and blood ran down her knuckles.

"Aria come here"
"Come on don't ignore me"
"Aria come here"
"Come on don't ignore me"

The voice said repeating its self over and over again. Why was this happening to me was all that she could think.

She pulled out a box from her wardrobe and opened it, containing it was lots of little blades. She pulled one out, cutting her thigh over and over. The tears that fell from her face mixed with the books in her leg causing a stinging sensation run through her body.

Arias door swing open and stud there was Tom with an expression mixed with pure fear and shock was visible on his face.

"Tom what the fuck in getting changed" aria said spinning around as a way of covering her self from Tom.

"No your not turn around" Tom said to the girl. She didn't move but he could hear her sniffs. "Aria please I'm not going to do or say anything I just want to see" Tom said in his calmest voice.

"Get out" aria said the fear clear in her voice.

"Why, why did you do it"

"GET OUT TOM" aria shouted to the boy.

He left the room but grabbed the box of blades before leaving he put it in his picked and waited down stairs for her.

"Got why did Tom have to walk in" aria changed her blood stained pants but crept the rest of her outfit the same. She made her way down stairs peeping her head in the guest bedroom before going down. She saw Tom stilling there staring and a blank TV screen.

"Why was your room a mess" Tom said to the girl.

"Not your business now come on we need to get to your house the boys are probably already there" aria said trying to change the subject.

"You had another episode didn't you" he said calmly. Aria would have rage and depression episodes every once in a while she has had them since a kid.

"Shut up and come on"

"What caused it"

"Nothing happened now COME ON"

"Aria please tell me I want to help"


"Ok sorry" Tom said knowing if he pushes it, it will make things 10x worse.

"You tell anyone about what you saw and I will kill you" aria said to Tom before walking into the Kaulitz house.

They walked in to the room and saw the others gathered around a computer.

"Hurry up we are about to release it" bill said waving the two over.

They jogged over and watched as Gustav presses the button.

A choir of wooo's was heard from the room.

"I hope this goes viral" gerog said to the group.

"Me too" aria said.

Arias phone vibrated. It was her grandma.

Susan(arias grandma): aria come one please.
Aria:one minute
Susan:now I want you to come home now.

She immediately knew what this was about. "Guys I have to go sorry" aria said as she began to leave.

"Wait do you guys want to go out to a club later" Gustav said.

"Me,bill and aria arnt old enough though. Tom said.

"Well me and Gustav are, we can just sneak you in" Georg commented.

"Sure" aria and the twins said nearly in sync.

Aria left the twins house and walked into her own immediately met with a hug from her grandmother.

"Are you ok, what happed"

"I don't want to talk about it" aria said letting go of the hug and walking up to her room.

"Aria wait, what's this?" The elderly woman said holding a bloody razor, her eyes began to well up.

Aria ran to her room, she didn't know what to do. Her grandma came up after her.

"Show me" the woman said.

"What" aria felt her heart begin to race again.

"Please show me"

Aria lifted up her jeans showing her grandmother the cuts. She immediately dropped to her knees. "Why aria"

"I don't what to tell you"

"Aria please" the woman said crying her eyes out at the state of her granddaughter.

"I feel like im going insane" aria said with no emotion.

"Please leave I want to tidy my room" aria said to her grandma. She did what she was asked and left the room. Aria pulled out her phone to text Tom.

Aria: can you tell the others I can't come out.
Tom: yeah but why can't you.
Aria: I have to tidy my room.
Tom: ok.

After about ten minutes arias door opened and the boys came in with bin bags and gloves, they started to clean up.

"What are you guys doing" aria asked looking at them confused.

"We are helping you tidy your room" bill said to the girl with a warm smile.

I didn't get time to read over this so sorry if there are any mistakes.

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