To Start Anew

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With Lady Bone Demon's final breath, Macaque's soul was once again his own. As her form shimmered out of existence, the shackles that had bound him cracked and shattered. The overwhelming sense of relief would have brought him to tears, if not for Wukong's presence beside him. He was the last person Macaque would ever allow to see his weak side again.

Still, he could breathe the free air. At long last, he could embrace his true self, no longer burdened by the expectations of others.

He was free after what felt like a millennium. With every ounce he had, he had tossed his power to join with MK's final attack in a last-ditch effort. Now that it was over, he felt spent. An empty husk that somehow was holding itself together.

His legs had wobbled, his knobby knees ricocheting with the other before he was slamming against the ground. For a moment, he heard Wukong turn and take a hasty step in his direction before freezing.

Wukong stood there, his hand outstretched and his mouth agape, uttering no words. He observed as Macaque exerted effort to prop himself up, finally managing to sit upright. Their eyes lock, and for the first time in recent memory, Macaque allows himself to savor the encounter without a trace of contempt.

They won.

Eventually, he looks away, his gaze locking with the ground to bitterly lick his wounds. He was too tired to say something snarky or build some budding conflict. His bones ached, no thanks to a certain possessed King pummeling him nearly straight into the Diyu for a second time.

Macaque hisses as he clutches his stomach, staggering to his feet. "It's over," he grumbles, his voice quiet and empty of its usual fire.

Wukong nodded solemnly, his head turning in the direction of some building noise. MK and the gang erupt in spontaneous cheers just over the hillside to celebrate their victory. With a few labored steps, Macaque began to inch his way forward. Wukong followed close behind, ever the silent sentinel, his eyes drilling holes into the back of Macaque's head.

Wukong seemed to grow more and more pensive, lowering his hand to his side. He flicked his gaze to Macaque a few times, brows furrowed and uncertain what to do. The last thing he expected was to be saved, and with Macaque leading the charge, "So," he finally says, "You helped them? The kid and his friends, I mean."

Macaque took in his words before releasing a breathey laugh, "Can't really live in a world that Lady Bone Demon destroys, can I?" Wukong nodded, and although he remained quiet, Macaque could tell the monkey was looking at him. Every subtle movement Macaque made was observed with the King's bated breath, causing the weight of the silence to grate on Macaque's nerves. "If you have something to say-!"

"You're hurt," Wukong's statement is glaringly obvious, which elicits a frown from Macaque, as if the fact should have been apparent to everyone.


Wukong's brow furrows as he glances at his open palm, cautiously uttering, "It's a bit hazy, but..." He stretches his neck, his expression inscrutable to Macaque. Perhaps it carries a hint of remorse. "Are those injuries caused by me?"

Macaque stopped walking, exhaling through burdening hollow lungs, "You were her puppet and warrior. You should see the bruises on Red Son's back when you slammed the kid into a building." He utters these words with minimal remorse, fully aware that no one would willingly choose to be under the control of Lady Bone Demon. So even knowing Wukong hadn't intended the action, it wasn't as though the Monkey was without blame- considering he was the one who opted to fight her alone. "So yeah, you did."

Wukong's head lowers his next breath through his gritted teeth. "Macaque," he stops the other by grabbing his wrist. It visibly startled Macaque, who tenses. He whips around to face the Monkey King, not sure what he expected- what he was waiting for. "Your injuries. Let me path 'em up for you,"

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