Meeting Him

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Payton's POV
I rushed in the gas station only to find a man laying on the floor with blood gushing out of his chest.
"Call 911" I said as I rushed to the mans side.
The cashier peaked out from behind the counter and ran out of the store to go get help.
"I'm a doctor" I said as I ripped the mans shirt and started pressing on his chest wound.
"Sorry this is going to hurt ok."I said as I pressed on his chest.
"Ahhh"He yelled while tring to move my hands.
"No. Stop or your going to make it worse" I said while trying to keep a grip on him before he hurt hisself more.Finally he calmed down as the ambulance pulled up.After we steadied his heart rate he was rushed to the hospital.
(At the hospital)
After a successful surgery I went to notify the patients family of his progress. I walked into the waiting room and said "Family of D'maceo Hill" Two buff men and a hysterically crying lady approached me
"Is he going to be alright?" The older woman asked.
"Yes. The surgery went well." I replied "You can see him now if you'd like."
"Yes please" She replied "thank you doctor and thank the lord my baby is going to be ok."
"Your welcome" I replied.
After showing them to his room and doing a quick cheack up i left to finally go home.

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