What the HELL

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"Will you let me take you out Ms. Payton?" D'maceo asked again.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I put my lip to his ear. "NOPE" I replied popping the p then leaving the bathroom. "Damn" I Heard his mumble making me smirk and swish my hips harder because knew he was lookin at my ass.
Few hours later....

The food was finally done so I was in the kitchen helping my ma make the little kids plates of food. Then I heard this bitch walk into the house mad because her child ain't eat yet. The nerve of this hoe, she see us making plates if we taking to long take yo ass to CICI's pizza and get yo food hot and ready in five minutes, I thought while giving my niece kk a fork for her food.
"Bruh go sit yo overgrown ass down somewhere, if your child was hungry you should have made her a plate." Rocky said taking our niece gabriella out of her arms.
"Yo why the fuck she smell like this, you didn't change her fuckin diaper."
I finally spoke as when I smelled my niece.
"Mind yo business bitch." Tina replied while walking away.
"This is my fuckin business, you got her running around with a shitty diaper on, when you could have changed her, man I swear if she has a rash I'm slapping the shit out of you!" I yelled getting the wipes and diapers out to cage gabby. Stupid bitch can't do nothing right. I thought as I changed her, luckily she didn't have a rash but when I lifted her shirt to put on her diaper on I seen this big ass bruise on her back.
"What the HELL" pulling the rest if her clothes off saw that she had another bruise on her leg.
"ROCKY GRAB GABBY" I yelled while walking out outside.
"I'm bout to kill this bitch" I yelled spotting her smoking with Chris and his friends.
"YOU BEATING ON HER" I screamed while punching Tina in the face."THAT'S A DAMN BABY" I yelled while kicking her in the stomach. "BEAT ME HOE BEAT ME" I yelled while I was being pulled off a bleeding tina. "NAH MAN FUCK THAT HOE" I yelled trying to get out of D'maceo's grip. "SHE'S A FUCKING BABY" I yelled before grabbing a now crying gaby from rocky.
"FUCK THAT BITCH" I yelled while grabbing gabby's baby bag and leaving my ma's house.
"It's ok" I cooed at her while putting her to sleep. "She won't hurt you again"

Few days later.....

"What your laughing at girl" I said while pushing the grocery cart around the store. She smiled at me and continued to talk baby gibberish to me. I decided to keep gabby and raise her like she was my own, because there was no way I was giving her back to her stupid ass mother. I already started on the adoption paperwork and gave my state mentioned and photos of gabbys bruises to my lawyer, now I'm just waiting on a court date.

"Oh excuse me" I said when my cart hit anothers.
"Well if it ain't Ms Payton" I heard D'maceo say.
"Well if it ain't Mr Maceo" I shot back not turning around from the grapes section.
"You still owe me a date" he said while tickling gabby's foot making her laugh.
"I don't owe you nothing" I replied while pushing my cart to the pineapples.
"How about I just take you out for ice cream then?" He said not taking no for an answer.
"Boy what ice cream paler is open at eleven a clock at night" I replied while side eyeing him.
"The store" he said in a duh tone while pointing at the ice cream section.
"Ummmmmm---" " we can buy the ice cream and toppings here and go back to my house and have a ice cream party." He said cutting me off. As stupid as it sounded I agreed to the date. So we left the store with five kinds of ice creams and toppings driving to his house.
15 minutes later....
"Oh wow, this is nice" I said looking at his house in awed, while grabbing gabby from the backseat of my range rover.
"Thank you" Maceo while opening the door to the house.
"The kitchen is that way, I'm bout to go change my clothes." He said while walking up the stairs. I went in the kitchen and started on me and gabby's icecream. I opened the rocky road and vanilla ice cream then I got the Chocolat cone bowls. After scooping ice cream in our bowls I put some chocolate chips and whip cream on it, while Maceo came back down stairs with a change of clothes on.
"Damn you gone make mine too?" He said while looking at our sundae.
"If you want me to?" I replied.
"Yes please" I opened the mint chocolate ice cream and scooped it into the chocolate cone bowl putting chocolate chips and whipped cream on it then handing it to him.
"Thank you" he said with his mouth full. I picked up gabby and he carried our ice cream into the den.
"What movie do you want to watch" he asked
"What do you have?" I asked
"I have the avengers, furious 7, maze runner, straight out of Compton, spy, and get hard."
"Ohhhh let's watch get hard then spy." I said excitedly.
"OK damn" he said laughing at me.

In the middle of Get Hard gabby fell asleep so i put her in the guest bed with pilots around her so she can't roll off the bed. After we finshed watching movies with maceo. Throughout the night we laugh, talked getting to know each other. I learned that the two buff men from the hospital were his brothers DeAundre and Dallas. And the crying lady was his aunt because his mom died of cancer when he was nine. He also told me he was in the drug game because his aunt couldn't provide for him and his brothers. I couldn't judge his hustle because I've been around that lifestyle my whole life since my uncles used to run Atlanta.i told him about my come up and my fatherless childhood. Then we got off the sad subjects and talked about our dreams, pet peaves, and our favorite things. I learned that his favorite color was gray and he hates when people whine, and I told him my favorite food is pizza and I want to own my own medical practice. So in the end we decided to give a relationship a chance.

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