Chapter Six

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I admit, my last encounter with Pisces had been on my conscious for a numerous amount of times. 

Honestly, I had no idea why he would want me to be working so closely beside him if he didn't trust me.

Then again, 'keep your friends close and enemies closer', right?

I guess he took that phrase very personally.

He was probably waiting for the perfect moment, to get me to not be suspicious of his emotions towards me. 

To be honest, I think we could all guess that he wasn't the biggest fan of me, but for him to think that I am scheming behind his back? That took me off guard.

Especially having a sword to my neck.

I touch the spot as I think on it.

My thoughts then ran to Sariyan as I haven't seen her these past few nights; we would usually meet up and talk about the days' woes, but lately, she has been brushing me off for some reason. 

Usually, if people are trying to distance themselves from me, I'd accept it - but it's weird coming from Sariyan. 

I guess, I'd just have to accept it-

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Turning on my heel fast, I notice that Ikol is stood behind me with an amused smirk on his face.

"Ah, Ikol... You're always so quiet when approaching."

He lifts his chin as he looks down onto me. 

"Always get them when they're least expecting it."

I eye him curiously.

"Is there something I can help you with, if I may ask?"

My guard is up as I wait on his answer.

"Yes, actually. I wanted to know by you when my brother will be of attendance in the palace - I have not seen him since two days ago."

"Oh, me neither. Forgive me, but I won't be able to give you the answer that you're looking for."

"Hm," He looks out to the view before him as I notice Sariyan coming in from the palace not too far away. Luckily, she is out of the view of Ikol. "I need to ask a favour of you." My eyes grow wide as I look back to Ikol. "Relax, it's nothing crazy... I just need you to make sure that Pisces doesn't find out about the little 'feast' I will be having this evening - seeing that Mother will be out of the lands for a few days."

"How do I do that?"

"Just make sure that if you do see him, you keep him as far away from the east of the Palace as possible."

I think on it. 

"That would be hard... his majesty isn't one to listen to anyone else."

He chuckles at the thought. 

"You're right there."

Ikol shakes his head at the thought. 

"Well, if it strikes midnight and he hasn't entered the palace, we'll take it that he will not come back home for tonight."

I nod my head at him. 

"Okay, I will do so."

"Good girl." He smirks as he touches a lock of my hair as he admires me. "In return, you don't have to be a servant for the night."

I furrow my brow at his words.

"Not be a servant?"

"Yes, you are invited to the festivities as a guest; along with a few of your other friends around here."

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