Chapter 44

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I glance down at my phone, ignoring Cheng Xiao’s text messages as I walk into my house. Ever since I asked her to leave, she’s been texting me incessantly, wanting to see me and talk things through. I suppose she’s finally realized that things truly are over between me and her.

I wonder what she was thinking. Did she truly believe nothing would change between us, even though I married Xiao Zhan? I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s always been self-centered but I just never realized it before. Or perhaps I did and I just chose to ignore it.

I pause in the doorway to the living room, my gaze dropping to Zhan. She’s sitting on the sofa with her tablet perched on her knee, drawing something that I’m sure is nothing short of magical. Fuck. She truly is fucking beautiful and those nightgowns she loves to wear are pure torture. She’s wearing a red one tonight and it contrasts with her skin beautifully.

There was something in her eyes when she told me that she never even stood a chance with me, something I don’t dare define, yet it set my heart ablaze. I have a feeling my wife knows exactly what she’s doing to me. This thing between us… it’s always been there.

I walk into the living room and she looks up, her lips tipping up into a smile. Her gaze roams over my body leisurely and I bite back a grin. I love how she’s taken to blatantly checking me out.

“You’re home.”

I nod as I sit down next to her, stealing a glance at what she’s drawing. She’s so insanely talented and I can’t wait to see what she’ll accomplish.

“How was your day?” I ask, my voice soft. I’ve never had this with Cheng Xiao. She and I have never really sat together, just chatting about our days. I don’t think I’ve ever truly wanted to know what she’d been up to either — asking had just become a formality. It’s different with Xiao Zhan. I want to know what makes her tick, what inspires her. I want to hear about every little thing that made her smile throughout her day. It’s strange.

“Today’s shoot ran much longer than I expected, so all of my meetings ran late. I’m happy about the way my new collection is coming together though. I’m lining up some of my friends to model for me. The marketing campaign I’ve got in mind is going to be amazing.”

I loosen my tie a little, hoping she’ll lean in and pull it off for me. Her eyes follow my hands but she doesn’t move toward me. Xiao Zhan has been distant with me lately and I’m surprised by how much I miss her playfulness. I only have myself to blame for it. I never should’ve said what I did.

“How was your day?” she asks as she turns back to her tablet, continuing to draw. I’ll never get used to her asking that question. Cheng Xiao never asked. All we’d ever talk about was her work or our wedding. The only times she’d ask me about my day was when I was working on something for her.

I watch her draw as I tell her about the boring meetings I’ve had and the work I’ve put in for the merger. She glances up at me every once in a while, nodding along to my stories.

It’s such a peaceful evening. I never knew I craved this at all. I move closer to Zhan until her thigh brushes against mine. This nightgown of hers doesn’t cover up anything at all and her body is a thing of beauty.

Zhan looks up at me, her eyes widening when she realizes how close I am. Her gaze drops to my lips, but then she moves away from me, putting some distance between us. Ever since Cheng Xiao showed up at our house, upset about our wedding photos, she’s been distant. It’s like weeks’ worth of progress between us disappeared.

I rise to my feet with a sigh, lost in thought as I make my way to our dressing room. My eyes land on a pair of gray sweatpants and my mind turns back to that night Zhan sat in my lap, telling me how much she likes me in them. I grin to myself as I take off my suit and put on my sweatpants instead, leaving my torso bare.

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