Chapter 7

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My bed seemed particularly comfortable this morning. Maybe it was because of the rain pouring outside, creating the perfect rainy movie day, or the fact that I would have to face Keaton again after yesterday's events made me want to stay in bed all day. Today, in Chemistry, we would be starting an important project that we were required to work on with our partners. Which meant I would have to talk to Keaton, which seemed very unlikely at the moment. Both of my parents had already left for work, which meant all I had to do was avoid Valerie. Lazily, I reached over to my bed side table to retrieve my phone.

Not feeling so good, gonna stay home today, have a nice day though! xoxo -evie I texted her, hoping I had convinced her I was sick, which I'm really not. Shortly after, my phone buzzes.

Nice try Evelyn, get your ass out of bed before I have to drag you to school in your pajamas.

Shit. Shit. At this point, I knew Valerie was never going to let me stay home, but trying to avoid the inevitable, I snuggled into my bed deeper, never wanting to leave its warm, soft confines. I must've dozed off, because soon after I was woken up by none other than my best friend herself.

"HEY! Up! I am so not being late for school because you're trying to avoid some shitty lil boy. So hurry up and get ready." Valerie shouts as she tugs the blankets off of me.

"Val, pleaase don't make me." I whine, pouting to add to my case. With a surprisly quick change of character, she smiles softly and sits down on my bed, holding my hands in hers.

"Evelyn, you never let guys get you down. Don't let him be the one to change that."

"But, I let him in Val, I know I said I wasn't going to but..." I trail off, the sting of his words returning. Keaton and I had such a good time I thought. He let me see parts of him I didn't even know existed, I felt a connection to him. But he threw it all away in less than 5 minutes, ha.

"It'll be alright sweetie, and if it isn't, Jacob and I will kick his ass for ya. Probably more me than Jacob though." Valerie grins and laughs, trying to cheer me up. A small smile begins to form on my face, thankful for her attempt to cheer me up.

"Okay, let's go." quickly I hop out of bed, and change into a plain red t shirt, denim shorts, and my white converse. Valerie waits as I rush into the bathroom to hurriedly brush my hair and apply a small amount of makeup. Honestly, I didn't care if I looked like shit at this point. More importantly, I was dreading the fact I would have to see him. As I finish up and exit the bathroom, Valerie has already left my room and is downstairs waiting in the car. I rush downstairs and into the car, and we head off to school.

"Evie, don't worry about it seriously." she assures me. But I'm not quite so sure I can manage that. I would just have to wait and see what would happen.


"Alright class, let's sit down quickly so we can start setting up for our projects. It's important to discuss the topic you and your partner would like to explore. And remember, work together!" Mr. Roberts announces to our Chemistry class. Hurriedly, I rush into my seat just as the late bell sounds. Shooting Mr. Roberts an apologetic smile for being late, I sit next to Keaton. Deep breathes Evelyn, you can do this. I would just focus on the project at hand, which was researching scientific problems and issues in the world today and how we could think of a way to fix them. I feel a soft caress on my arm, and peer over to see none other than Keaton smiling at me.

"Hey Ev. You look cute today." he says lightly. This is some big joke right?

"Excuse me? What about not talking to me, I thought I was some 'game' to you?" I say harshly, anger rising in me.

"Ev, I was only kidding, Jesus. Chill."

"My name is Evelyn, not Ev. And some funny joke you have saying shit like that to me!"

"Let's focus on this project. I was thinking we could do global warming or some shit like that?" he says, ignoring my previous statement. I sigh in frustration, irritated by his behavior. It was exasperating that he would act one way with me, then another.

"Every idiot in this class is going to be doing global warming. Let's think of something a bit more complex shall we?"

"Are you calling me an idiot?" he remarks, cocking an eyebrow and his usual smirk gracing his face.

"I might be." I reply cheekily, his eyes widen in surprise at my comment.

"Evelyn, you're a bit sassy today aren't you?" he laughs. As he laughs his beautiful eyes light up, and I can't help but feel myself begin to smile too. I'm supposed to be mad at him! Oh shut up Evelyn you can be mad at him lateerrrrrr.

We continue discussing topics for our project and throwing in little jokes here and there. At the end of the period I am no longer mad at him, and the two of us walk down the halls together to our last class for the day. Out of the corner of my eye I spot Wesley and Drew. They are glaring over at Keaton, who hasn't noticed their presence yet. He is laughing about some stupid thing I said about his hair being too long and grinning at me. But not long after, he turns and sees them and I see all emotion drain from Keaton's face. Why did his own brother change him from being a sweet guy to some emotionless dick?

"Evelyn, it was fine getting along with you for the sake of the class and everything, but stop talking to me, everything I said yesterday, I meant it." he says coldly, his eyes hardening as he looks at me. His eyes keep glancing over to his brother and friend then back at me. He seems distracted, panicked even as he tries to be rude to me.

"What do you mean?" I reply, feeling pissed off that he was being moody again.

"Evelyn, just fuck off alright." he says as he stalks away from me, leaving me confused and pissed as ever. Well, fuck him too then.

After my last class of the day, I am more than ready to go home. Per my usual routine, I begin to walk through the parking lot to my car. The air is humid and hot sun shines harshly. It is a tremendous change from this morning's weather. Just like the change in my day with Keaton. Maybe I could go to the beach with Valerie after school. Deep in thought as I walk, I don't even notice Keaton is walking next to me. He grabs my arm and turns me to face him. Unimpressed with him today, I shake out of his grip.

"Don't touch me. Don't talk to me either. I'm fed up of your shitty little games." I spit in disgust.

"Evelyn, please wait up, let me explain." he pleads, catching my hand in his. Keaton's features displaying his sincerity, and I decide to give him a chance.

"Two minutes." I sigh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I look expectantly at him.

"Listen, it's complicated okay. I can't go into detail. But I like you Evelyn, honest to God I'm into you. But it's so hard to be with you. I can't explain it." he rushes, words stumbling out quickly as he speaks.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously, and my heart begins to beat faster at his words. He likes me! The twelve year old girl in me shouts. But another part of me is confused and still angry with his earlier outbursts.

"Evelyn, I'm trying to protect you. Being with me is dangerous." he says, and I can't help but wonder what he means.

((A/N: Helllloooo everyone I am so sorry for not updating i've been extremely busy! Thank you to everyone for liking this story and your comments, I would appreciate your feedback more comments so I can know your opinions/what you think or what you'd like to see! Enjoy this chapter and I'll hurry to update again!)

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