Chapter 8

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"What do you mean it's 'dangerous' to be with you?" I demand. Keaton had been acting like a total asshole, and his reasoning was that it was 'dangerous' to be with him? What is this, fucking Twilight or some shit? Keaton wasn't some vampire that could kill me at any moment. At least I hoped. Ahahahah, ignore I'm only kidding but I totally feel like Bella right now, which is just sad. And pathetic. But, how could being with him be dangerous? Keaton's expression is sad and I feel troubled at this announcement.

"Evelyn, I can't explain it, I already told you. The less you know the better. You need to stay away from me, it's for your own good." he sighs, and places his palm against my face. I hold his hand to my face and lean into him, feel comforted by his touch.

"But.. I don't want to. I want to be with you. Can't we figure something out?" I plead, not ready to let him go so easily. I had just gotten to know him, and I wanted more time. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His gaze is fixed on me, and he smirks.

"I would do anything for you. I'm not letting you go Ev. We just have to keep it on the down low. But the minute things get risky, I have to let you go, for good. Do you understand?" he says seriously, holding my face in both of his hands, our eyes locked. His beautiful eyes are sparked with determination.

"So where do we go from here?" I wonder. Could we not be seen together at school, out in public, where? I feel a shock of exhilaration shoot through me. I would be in a secret relationship, like an undercover cop. How cool is that! Okay Evelyn, you need to shut up, because your brain is so not cool. Stop saying cool!

"For today, we go our separate ways. But tomorrow night, you'll see." he winks at me, his familiar smirk gracing his face, and I feel like this is the Keaton I know. Keaton places a quick kiss to my forehead and waves as he strides away from me. I feel my heart do a little jump. I couldn't help but be into him now. He was trying to protect me! Worry suddenly began to fill my thoughts. If Keaton was this concerned that he would act out this way, what was out there waiting for us? For me? Shaking off my doubts, I get in my car and drive away. I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.


This morning I woke up extra earlier to ensure I would look my absolute best. As I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I was impressed. My blonde hair was excellently curled, and my makeup was applied flawlessly, not like it took me an extra hour or anything to make sure everything looked right... Today, it was warm out so I decided on my favorite light blue dress and white wedges. It had short sleeves and the dress fell to about the middle of my thigh. Not too long, not too short. Just right. I felt like one of those popular girls in movies who goes to school in heels, totally unrealistic, but totally fabulous. Am I right? Oh Evelyn, you're starting to turn into one of those girls who talks to herself far too much. My phone begins to ring, pulling me out of my trance.

"Hello?" I ask, not bothering to check the caller ID. I start my way out of the house and to head off to school. Valerie was riding with Jacob today, so I didn't have to worry about her crazy ass rushing me.

"Good morning beautiful." I hear Keaton's smooth voice through the phone. Immediately, my heart begins to beat faster. It's like everything that boy does has a direct line to my heart.

"Why are you calling me? I'll be at school in like two minutes."

"I just wanted to hear your voice. Remember, low key at school today okay?"

"Okay, I'm pulling into school now, bye." I hang up as I pull into my parking spot in the school's parking lot. Keaton is waiting on the bench directly in front of my parking spot. So much for discreet, idiot.

"What are you doing!?" I demand as I step out of my car and walk over to him. Keaton grins wildly and I just shake my head.

"I had to see you, like, right away." he says.

"I thought we were being discreet, top secret? Hmm?" I question, and his smile falters for a moment.

"Yeah but this is so worth it, you look gorgeous." his eyes watch my body, checking me out thoroughly. My cheeks heat up, and I can tell I am blushing fiercely at his compliment.

"Uh- thanks." I stutter. Swiftly, he places a kiss to my cheek and walks away, so quick I feel like I must've imagined it. Bummer. Fortunately, the two of us had Math and of course Chemistry together. I suppose it's time to meet up with Valerie and Jacob, so I head over to our meeting spot. Valerie and Jacob are laughing as I arrive. Valerie turns to me and smiles brightly.

"So? How goes it?" she asks enthusiastically.

"How goes what?" I respond, knowing she meant Keaton.

"Oh shut up Evie, you know what we mean." Jacob laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me in between the two of them on the wooden bench.

"Details Evie!" Valerie near shouts excitedly. There wasn't much to tell. I didn't want to tell them how Keaton said we had to keep everything quiet. Valerie and Jacob are my best friends, and I didn't want to keep secrets from them either. Suddenly, I felt very confused about this situation with Keaton. Things had escalated very fast, and we had only been on one date.

"Uh nothing. We're just friends. Nothing's going on with us, at least not anymore." I say, trying to make myself sound disappointed. Valerie frowned and her gaze shifted to Jacob. Jacob in turn only shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to make of the situation.

"It's cool Evie, you can date me instead." Jacob jokes, puckering his lips and leaning in to kiss me. Valerie and I begin to laugh and I push him away, a smile playing on my lips. Thankfully, I was gifted with such amazing friends.

"No thanks Jacob." Shortly after, the bell rings and the three of us wave goodbye to one another and go off to our separate classes. My mind was full of thoughts of Keaton. Good and bad I supposed. I was still concerned about this threat that made it dangerous for us to be together. Keaton would tell me when he thought it was right to. 'The less you know, the better' he had said. What did he mean by that? Due to the fact I am not paying attention to my surrounding, I am not surprised when I walk directly into to something solid. Shit Evelyn, you really need to start paying attention. Embarrassed, I look up and am face to face with none other than Wesley Stromberg. At the moment, he is alone, Drew not tagging alongside him as usual. Good. At least I would only have to deal with one dick, not two.

"Well look who it is." Wesley says, a smirk gracing his face. He was quite handsome, but him being a total ass really ruined that for him.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I've got to get to class." I say hurriedly, trying to avoid conversation with him. I start to walk away to my next class when Wesley grabs my arm tightly.

"You aren't going anywhere Ev. That's what he calls you, right?" he snickers, and I feel panic rising in me. I needed to get away from him, and fast.

"Let me go." I state firmly, shooting daggers at him. Wesley just laughs shortly, and looks into my eyes. All I see reflecting back at me is hate in his eyes, and anger.

"I don't think so, at least not yet. What's the deal with you and my brother Evelyn? Does he have a thing for you too? I suppose you don't know what happened to the last girl he had a thing for..." he says, his tone harsh.

"What do you mean, the last girl?" I say timidly. Immediately, my mind turns to their past. Could this girl Keaton was involved with be the reason? I felt myself begin to shake with fear, wondering if I would be next.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough baby, don't worry." he remarks, his grin only growing. He lets go and begins to walk down the hallway, laughing at me as he walks. What was happening to my life? All I know is that I have to talk to Keaton, soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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