"JJ tie it off" Pope commands JJ. So he does, Shoupe steps over to the pogues their boat. "You know the marsh is closed." Shoupe makes clear.
"Closed, really?" Pope tries making it like he didnt know, "No. Not aware." JJ jumps in.
Olivia switches looks "Why is it closed? Did something happen or anything..?" she tries asking Shoupe. "Were looking for a boat that went down. Have you seen anything?" he answers. Everyone shakes their head while checking out the water if they didn't see John B yet. Shoupe looks around "Where's your friend you always hang out with? He here?" referring to John B who's actually down in the water now.
"He's working." Kiara quickly says.
Shoupe nods and looks around the boat and passes JJ,Pope,Kiara and Olivia who's in her bikini because her t-shirt is tied down the anchor point, he is staring right into the water checking if theirs something suspicious.
"Are you finished with your inspection?" Plumb asks sarcastically, "Oh yes yes" Shoupe answers.
The group switches looks worrying about John B who's in the water. Shoupe takes one more long look in the water, the sun is shining on the water. Shoupe moves away "Let us know if you see anything on your way out."
"Will do, officer." Pope replies, Liv gives him a look that says 'shut up please'
The officers start the engine and motors off, "Will do?" JJ mocks Pope, Olivia laughs. John B comes up out of the water out of breath, everyone gives him worried looks "Are you okay?" Kie asks him. "I ran out of air, what happened?"
"Shoupe didn't notice the boat beneath him." the brown haired girl says causing the other girl to chuckle, "Yeah , Shoupe's dumber than he looks like."
Pope gives her a look and she just raises her hands up, "Alright, no making fun of cops got it." John B lifts up a bag he found underwater gettinh JJ his attention , "Fuck yeah!" the blonde boy grabs the bag and lifts it on the deck. Olivia grins with a wide smile, "Good job Johny Boy!"
"Yeah thanks." the Routledge boy says a bit out of breathe because and climbs on the boat. Pope speaks up, "Guys, it's been fun, lying to law, enforcement, making fun of cops but let's get our of here."
"Yeah ,obviously!" the Moore girl says and also JJ agreeing with Pope, "Agreed."
Olivia shrugs a bit, "Although making fun of Shoupe was kinda fun tho." she grins causing JJ to also while he's pulling the anchor up. Kiara is looking at the end of the channel spotting a boat, "Bogey. Ten o' clock."
Everyone's gaze goes to the end of the channel seeing a boat, a fast and powerful one. JJ who is still pulling up the anchor speaks up, "Don't wait for me." Pope stars up the engine, JJ, Kiara, Olivia and John B turn to watch the boat. "Are they coming?" Pope asks. The fast boats engine gets louder meaning they're closer, JJ nods at Pope's question, "They're coming!"
"Should I wait for them?" Pope asks clearly not knowing what to do, John B frowns, "Are you kidding? the brown haired boy pushes Pope away and takes the helm and guns it. The boat only gets closer. Suddenly they hear some sounds, sounding like shotguns.
"Are they firing? They're shooting at us!" Pope panicks.
Olivia watches the scene and tries to think of an idea how to outrun them, scanning the boat and her eyes landing on a net, she carefully tries to grab it and the others notice. JJ grabs her arm, "Liv, are you kidding?!" he asks in disbelief.
She losenes herself from his grip, "You got a better idea?!" the Moore girl waits till they cut a sharp angle and then throws the net behind her causing the other boat to be stuck in the net. John B motors into another channel.

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ПриключенияA girl named Olivia Moore and her friends explore summer break and enjoy eachothers company. Olivia her father left when she was 10, cause he was an alcoholic it was better that he left his wife and daughter. The pogues are like family for her and a...