THE POGUES arrived back at the Château, settling themselves on the dock with the bag in the center. The adrenaline is still high with each of the friends after almost getting shot. They all look at the bag. "What do you think it is?" the Carrera girl looks at each her friends waiting for an answer."I think it's a bag." Olivia says sarcastically, earning a glance from JJ which immediately shuts her mouth.
John B ignores Olivia's sarcastic remark, "It's gotta be money, right?" he tries convincing his friends but he's more convincing himself. JJ shrugs, "Or couple of keys with a street value in the low to mid millions."
Pope lets out a frustrated sigh, "Just open it!" he commands sternly. The Pogues all look amazed, "Thats was a rare outburst of emotion, Pope." John B tells him. "Your killing me." Pope replies. The brunette boy opens the bag, having another black bag, but smaller.
Olivia scoffs, "Great. Another bag ofcourse!"
"There's clearly something inside it." Kiara says. John B zips the bag open and pulls a container with a screw on it, almost like a thermos. He looks over at his friends and then unscrews the top. The crew are all looking at the container to see what's in it but all their faces except John B turn to a disappointed expression as the Routledge boy has a compass inside his hand.
JJ lets out a bitter laugh and the others stay silent feeling like an idiot. "A compass? Well we sure need it because I really lost our track." Liv comments dissapointed with a little of sarcasm in her tone.
John B looks joyfully at the object in his hands, his blonde friend notices and speaks up, "Dude, what? It's not worth anything."
"This is my father's." he answers full of happiness like he accomplished something. Olivia looks at him with disbelief, "You sure Johnny? Because I'm about to do a backflip then."
"No, it is! It's from my dad!"
"Well damn." the Moore girl says and then falls silent, "Oh and I was just kidding about that backflip." she adds.
The Maybank boy slightly rolls his eyes, "Ofcourse you were." he mutters. But Olivia heard it, "Excuse me?" she asks offended.
JJ avoids her stare and just shrugs, "Nothing." he says nonchalant. There has been tension between them since they got back to the Château, first she got a glance then he rolled his eyes at her. And Olivia was getting pissed at it. Kiara, Pope and John B can sense the tension between their friends.
"Okay guys. It's been a long day. What about we all go take a nap?" Kiara tries avoiding the tension. But ofcourse Olivia is to stubborn and ignores Kiara, "No like seriously, what's your problem?" she asks still staring at him.
"My problem?" the annoyance in his tone visible, "My problem is that you didn't even care."
Liv frowns, where the hell was he getting to and what is his deal?! "Care about what JJ?" she asks confused and also pissed. The blonde boy scoffs and takes off his hat, one of his habits when he was angry.
"Let's all chill out, okay?" John B interrups but the two friends are to busy being annoyed at eachother. JJ pinches the bridge of his nose, "You know damn well what."
"No I don't JJ! So why won't you just go on and tell me?" she says slightly yelling. "I mean what happened on the boat, with those guys." the blonde finally gives answers.
"What do you mean?! That we got followed and shot at and that I saved your asses ?!"
"No, like, shit Olivia! You could've get shot!" JJ yells causing Olivia to fall silent and take a big swallow by the rise of his voice.
"Okay, I'm sorry. But I just wanted to save us." she yells back. JJ lets out a frustrated sigh , "I know you did and we appreciate it but you can't just put your life at risk." .
The black haired girl throws her hands up in the air, "Okay I wouldn't get shot. I ducked. And besides we got away from them, didn't we? And I don't hear a simple 'thank you' from any of you."

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AventureA girl named Olivia Moore and her friends explore summer break and enjoy eachothers company. Olivia her father left when she was 10, cause he was an alcoholic it was better that he left his wife and daughter. The pogues are like family for her and a...